Messages 2021

Explains Psychic/Mental Integration

September 16th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God bless you my friends, I am Seretta Kem.

We continue on this journey of awakening, and each of you are having those experiences and awakenings that are unique to you and some are conferring with others and seeing similarities in these experiences. Other experiences are unique, and reflect the way in which your material mind interprets those things which are unusual aspects of your psychic, mental and spiritual undertakings together.

As we have told you, many things are coming. Many things are unfolding. Much is awakening within each one of you. Even when you think that nothing has happened, and that there has been no stimuli that will bring a memory or a visual or auditory experience to you, there is still much happening. Often the mind cannot comprehend these things. Often the mind puts this stimulus away, dampening it, so as to make it easier to comprehend.

You do not know your minds well, my friends. The intricacies, the subtleties and the patterns of the mind. There are many, many aspects to your mind, beloved souls. So, as in most of humanity, you see the tip of the iceberg of this very busy and complex system. With your material mind and the mind of your spirit body interacting with the occasional addition of your soul mind bringing its information to you, the awareness of all of these levels at once would be very confusing and difficult to comprehend. Each level operates in a different way, processes information differently and perceives information differently. There can be what you might call an overload of information, and there comes within you a blankness that seems to indicate that nothing has been perceived or experienced. In time though, your minds will get used to this layered perception and experience and come to comprehend it more readily. It takes some adjustment, some understanding, some patience for this to happen.

Continue to allow your prayers to open you to all that God has to give, all that is available to you in these precious moments together, for there is certainly much to be given. A great flow washes over each one of you and how you accept and comprehend this flow of experience and information, varies amongst you. There may indeed be some interpretations that are unique, some that you share, some that is confirmed within your soul, as that familiar feeling of rightness comes to you. Indeed many things will come to you, often in a great onrush of perceptions, a sense that you are being flooded by these experiences.

In time you will all come to know these things in a clear and sensible way. Your material mind will accept and embrace while your spirit mind will organise and integrate these things and your soul mind will contribute light to the experience. As you become familiar with this path, this way of knowing and experiencing, all of these things will become integrated within you and it will become the norm in your life. Some of you fear this, for your minds are not open to such a radical shift in consciousness. Some of you desire this, but feel frustrated that it is not coming fast enough, and others are accepting, as these experiences come one after the other.

In time you will all be unified in your perceptions, and experiences. Though, because of your uniqueness you will interpret it somewhat differently, yet you will all sense the truth of it. You will all sense the importance of these experiences and the information that they will convey to each of you in order to help you understand the journey ahead and will qualify you to assist others on this journey.

Great blessings indeed, beloved souls. Blessings that come from God through many different sources, many different channels that surround you and each one is in harmony with the other as the multidimensional sense of truth is being awakened within you. In time the soul will take precedence and that feeling and knowing that comes with the soul will be the road on which you will walk and what you may perceive upon that road. It will also be perceived through the mind of the spirit and the memory of such will be embedded within it. The material mind will have the capacity to integrate these levels of understanding in a way that you may communicate this and apply it to your daily life.

Awakening comes in many ways on many levels. As you are together in this great journey of awakening, you may share and help each other to accept and embrace what has been given.

What comes to you is a unique opportunity to understand many things and many truths. If not for this unique environment in which you are a part of at this time, these things would be difficult to convey to each of you individually. Together you make for an openness amongst you, a receptivity, a condition and light, a loving flow from God that nourishes the faculties of all these parts of yourself, so that they may open more powerfully and yet gently, that you may uphold one another as we uphold you all and as God blesses all who are here. Within this beautiful crucible of learning and experiencing you will come to know many things, and come to shift your understanding of truth and of life. With this shift will come the integration of the faculties of your soul with the abilities of your mind, so that all is in harmony and clarity.

The power of truth will be quite evident and will be expressed in many ways as your souls are awakened in Divine Love and your minds are changed irrevocably by these experiences. Together you are prepared for the opening of many gifts, including, what you call direct voice. These manifestations will come as you are ready, as you have accepted and integrated the great changes and blessings that are given to each of you, shifting your consciousness to a higher level of understanding, a higher plane of receptivity and accepting what is given. In this way you will understand more fully and you will share more completely and you will teach many of these truths.  For the time for your world to accept the reality that God has created and to release your deceptiveness of the human creation to come to truth more fully so that all that is truly real is part of the consciousness of humanity.

You forge the way, my friends. You forge the way and each of you are strong. Each of you are worthy. Each of you are loved and in this you are beautifully endowed with all that you require to tread upon this unique road of awakening, of truly knowing to the very depths of your soul and to that part of you that craves logic and sequencing of events in order to make it real to your mind. You come upon the threshold of an advancement and awakening that is meant for the entire human race, and you forge the path ahead with faith and love, with the desire to be upon this path, and to do so together. I commend you, beloved souls, for your efforts and desire to make the choice to open the way beyond the error and mundane superficiality of the human condition to something deep and true, powerful and beautiful so that all comes to you. This beautiful bouquet of flowers, each one unique, each one carries an experience of truth and awakening and it is for each of you a gift, embrace it and come to it with gratitude and joy, for how truly blessed are you my friend, how truly blessed.

We thank you and we love you. We are here. With every breath you are surrounded, beloved souls. God bless you, I am Seretta Kem, my love is with you. The love of many that surrounds you at this time, and the love of God pours upon you. God bless you.