Messages 2021

Have Hope

July 2nd, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Amon. My dear children of the earth, I have always felt as your mother and I come as a child of the Father redeemed in His Love, for we are all His children. And as my beloved Aman, the first man and I, were offered the gift of Divine love that we rejected, it was such as the wonderful Elijah who appeared with Moses and the master in the transfiguration, whose faith was a powerful thread that kept his people connected to God, a forerunner of the Master. The master then came with the re-bestowal of this great gift that you all have received and continue to receive.

So, I encourage you to bear in mind the wise words of Elijah and I also wish for you to have hope. For love is the foundation of faith, hope, and charity. The earth at times has experienced such a distance from the Creator as to bring almost a state of chaos. What you witness on the earth today, the violence, the disharmony, the exploitation of the earth and of many of the children, I know it brings despair, but I tell you this; as Elijah has suggested, this love that you have in your souls, let it be your guide, because many on the earth have faith, have hope, and are givers in charity.

God will not abandon you or the earth, although as you have been told and you can plainly see, the earth must go through its changes, its healing, as humanity must go through its healing as well. So, my dear children, continue to have hope, walk in faith, serve in charity to all. You are a light upon this world, and you are not alone. There are many on the earth walking the path of love, both human and Divine, and the Heavenly Father, loves all and blesses all. May you continue to shine your light and bring your love in faith and in hope with charity. With all my love and blessings and from all of us here, the many, I thank you. May God bless you all. I am Amon. God bless you.