Messages 2021

How I love you

June 2nd, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother, your eternal friend. I walk in love, I speak in love, I sing in love, I heal in the Love of God.

Words beautiful as they may be, fall short to describe with proper eloquence divinity in these realms of light, in these abodes, so far above the earth plane where we see your pain. We understand your concern, so we come in your prayer knowing that as God brings His Love into your soul, there will come faith. There will come trust and there will come insight. And the sacred journey of the heart will find the path of immortality and happiness inconceivable to the mortal mind but somehow fathomed by the soul.

When one walks in faith and allows God in one’s walk, all things are in Grace and in the harmonious flow of Divine Love where every heart is healed. Every wound, every affliction, every hurt, is dissolved in the balm of God’s touch. I come with open arms awaiting your hearts to join me that you too will rise above all that concerns you, all that keeps you bound. The love of God unshackles every prisoner, frees every soul. Join me, take my hand. Let go and as is said and I shall say, “Let God”. Be still, feel His Grace. How I love you, you cannot count the ways.