Messages 2021

In Memory of Charlie Thompson

March 19th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, I am Peter. Yes, this is truly a celebration of life as you are to call these ceremonies in your modern day for yes, we all celebration the passing of the dear son who was a light while on Earth and who had a great desire to strive toward light and truth. He took his journey very seriously, dedicated time in prayer, much thought about truth and how he might apply the Truths of Divine Love to his life. Indeed, he was met by angels as he passed. Indeed, he felt a great joy in the release of his body, to come into the new life which is the spirit world. Now that he is a part of our world, he has come to new understanding and new experiences in this world. So many of his questions have been answered. His deep desire to know God, to truly know his own soul is now coming to fruition.

He steps upon the eternal path that will bring him to at-onement with God. He now sees that he has made this commitment within his soul, and has arrived at a true understanding as to what this commitment is. He begins to awaken and know himself more deeply and truly than ever before. His simple ways and expressions have brought him to God more directly than if he were to complicate his mind with many, many ideas and conjecture. In this way, he is a powerful example to the rest of you, beloved souls, that it is the simple journey, the journey of integrity, honesty, sincerity, and authenticity that brings one to one’s own soul.

He has found his way and thus we all celebrate for his journey has truly just begun. He will find the wonderment, the joy, the great surprises and awakenings that will come with his soul liberated from the earthly condition and dwelling now in the lands of spirit. So, he realizes that he has made great friends with those of you on Earth and those of us in spirit and truly does now join this family that continues to grow and brighten in love. He will know with all the certainty of his soul that he is loved by God and will come to know this love ever more deeply with every prayer, with every hallelujah in his heart, singing forth to God in great gratitude for the blessing of life, the blessing of His own creation.

Know that I will continue to guide him and be with him upon the journey, that he is in the light and he knows his way. There is no doubt anymore or confusion or trepidation. Merely the understanding and the acknowledgment that what he has decided upon between himself and God is truly of light and brings him great joy.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Peter. I continue to watch over you all, to pray for you all, and to influence my special charges upon the Earth and help you to come to the true knowledge of your soul in relationship with the Great Over-Soul of God. May you continue to pray for the great gift that God has given and offers to each one of you, that His Essence, His Holy Essence may flow into your souls and bring you to greater light. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Peter and I continue to be with you on your journeys as so many who reside in the Celestial Kingdom continue to walk with you, pray for you, guide you, and through their gifts, bring many of God’s blessings for your benefit. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. Indeed, each of you are a light in the world and will continue to brighten as you continue to seek the great gift within. God bless you.