Messages 2021

Jesus Calls Us to be His Disciples

December 19th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Jesus. I thank you for your prayers and your acknowledgment of my mission to help open the hearts and souls of humanity to the great blessing of God’s Essence, His Love to flow into and transform the soul. This message, although often misunderstood and transformed into something else, is still with us today. All those years ago when I walked the Earth and I talked with God and God guided me and nurtured me and told me of my role and mission upon the Earth, which continues to this day, I knew and felt the purpose that God had given me. I persisted with that purpose until my untimely end. I continue to persist with this message for it is the highest truth that you may know, my friends and beloved brothers and sisters, the highest truth of all. To receive that great blessing of God’s Love within you is to look upon your continued journey of the soul toward at-onement with God. Within this blessing of at-onement comes great joy and insight and love.

What more could a soul desire than this blessing and this journey? It is meant for every soul. It is given freely to each and every soul that asks for its blessing. May you all continue to open yourselves to God, to awaken to this great blessing of Love. May you continue to allow the transformation of your soul to become a conscious and real thing within you, that you may live this transformation, express it in every aspect of your life, and be truly aligned with it for in this alignment you open the great door to God as I opened that door to God so long ago.

I want you all to be my disciples, to bring this truth to as many who will listen for now is the time for the great transformation of your world. Now is the time when humanity must open its eyes and come to know the truth. So, we gather together to acknowledge this truth, to acknowledge that I carry this truth to my brothers and sisters. So, I acknowledge all of you who also carry this truth, who also do this work for God for we are all truly brothers and sisters in this regard and will continue to walk this path together. In so doing, this great body of souls keen to bring the truth to humanity will be a powerful and formidable force in the world.

Indeed, as you continue to pray together and walk together, you bring a great light to your world. You open the threshold for the awareness of God for all those who are seeking. May you keep your message simple, pure, and of the highest. May your work be uncluttered by a busy mind and enhanced by the mind of the soul, the awareness of the soul so that you may speak wisdom to your brothers and sisters, so that you may be truly a pure and beautiful channel for God.

This is not a difficult road but it is the road less travelled. Indeed, it is for all of us to invite more upon this road that we walk, to share the splendors and wonderments of this great journey of the soul for we all travel toward God, toward at-onement, toward light and truth. We all seek to know fully and powerfully this great blessing within us given by God. May we continue on these journeys together. May we truly be God’s channels together. May you be unified in this one great purpose, to walk in the world as harbingers of love, truth, and light pointing the way to God, pointing the way to the transformation of the soul. For all your human endeavours, all your mindful considerations, all these things that are a part of your modern life pale in comparison to this one great effort and purpose which is to shine forth as God’s instruments dedicating yourself to the great purpose and teaching that is the truth of the soul.

God’s Hand is upon us all, my beloveds. His blessings continue to warm our souls and awaken us to the truth. We are truly His children. We are truly upon the Path Divine which will take us on a journey so remarkable and wondrous that you will ever wonder why in the past you have turned away. But now you turn ahead to light and are truly in alignment with all that is of light, beloved souls. I am with you. I promise you in the coming times, the scales will be lifted from your eyes. Your questions will be answered. Your gifts will open and flourish. God will open the doorway to your soul so that it may be the predominant part of your expression, your thoughts. All that you do will be governed by a soul that is empowered by love. You will find as you journey in life that the wisdom that comes from the soul, the guidance that comes from God, and the love that shines forth within you will be your rock in life and will anchor you to light and truth. You will walk as a disciple of truth, beloved souls.

God bless you upon your journeys. God bless us all as we continue to walk together in the light of truth, in the joy of love. God bless you. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, and I come to bless you on your day of celebration. I come to be in love and light together as God’s blessings pour upon us, beloved souls. God bless you.