Messages 2021

Lattice of Light Brings Light to the World

August 6th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

We are adding your lights to the lights of others who are also praying for your world and working to bring greater light to your world. You are a part of the great lattice and network of light that continues to strive to encompass your darkened world and bring greater harmony to it. This lattice of light includes all the angels and bright spirits that join you with your intentions and prayers to bless this world as God’s channels of light.

Indeed every time you come together in prayer, you add greater light to your world and you make an effort to neutralize the darkness. Your gifts and your light are utilized by God and His angels to help many on your Earth plane and in the dark spheres of spirit. If you could see the vast work that is done by a simple prayer together, you would indeed feel joy and recognize the power of prayer as you gather together so diligently and consistently.

The world is in need of more who do this, who are dedicated to be God’s servants, who are dedicated towards light, who are dedicated towards the healing of your earth and the healing of the souls of humanity. You give of yourself in faith and prayer, and in doing so you give to humanity and your world. Continue to be a light, beloved souls, continue to see yourselves as a beautiful light, and God will use you in many ways to bring a multiplicity of blessings to many souls upon your world.

We thank you for your efforts. Know that you are truly loved and uplifted, and your gifts are utilized for the benefit of humanity. May God bless you, beloved souls. I am Keea-Atta Kem. My love is with you. Truly we are together in light and love. God bless you.