Messages 2021

Live the Joy

October 12th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Faith. I come to encourage you to express joy in your life. Do you not feel joy building within you? Do you not acknowledge that there is a light that ignites joy within your conscious self, that resides within your soul? Too few upon your world seek to express joy or see joy as something that is worth pursuing. Rather, they are engaged in the material pursuits and thus, do not have time or inclination to be attuned to their inner self where joy may be expressed. Yet, with joy comes a heightened perception of life, a wonderful perspective that helps to bring greater harmony and truth to the individual. Joy is the expression of the soul. Joy is the outcome of God’s blessing upon your soul with His Love. So, I say to you, joy is what you must seek. Joy is what brings all that you seek to express and establish in your life. It is that deep and robust feeling of joy within your heart that will open up the way to many things, many opportunities that you cannot see when you have your head down towards the earthly plane. Lift your head, beloved souls, in praise of God, in the joy of life, in the upwellings of the soul that bring such beautiful light-filled expressions and thoughts from you and through you.

God desires that all His children be within the grace of His joy. God created you for joy. God wishes for all to be within that uplifted and beautiful place where laughter and appreciation and love, insight, and humour all come from joy. You are His children. You are truly His children. Our hope is that you will live your life in joy, no matter what is happening around you, no matter what challenges what may beset you, that with joy you can overcome anything and all obstacles in your way. Joy brings a power to the soul. Joy allows expression of the soul through you, manifesting all around you, the great Love of God and the power of that Love to heal and bring harmony and light. In the light that comes, so the joy comes with it. In the love within your heart, so a sense of joy and acknowledgement of it is part of your daily life. In your relationship with God, as He sends His Holy Spirit to touch your soul, is this not a joyful experience? Is this not the roots of joy to be expressed, to be your true self in a life that is blessed by God?

May you all find your way to joy. Allow it to bubble forth into your conscious self. Allow it to be the very foundation of your perceptions, your expressions, your prayers, and all that you do. Be joyful in everything. In this, you reach for the highest and you express the highest within you.

May God bless you, my friends. I am Faith. I am happy to be with you in prayer today. God bless you, beloved souls, God bless you.