Messages 2021

One thing at a Time

November 10th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

It is I, Robert J. Lees. My dear friends it is a joy to witness you in your reverie, in your humorous repartee with each other and also witness your sincere longings and your seriousness about your own happiness.

If you set yourself upon the task ahead as I heard, “One thing” at a time, this would be most beneficial whenever you are embarking on something new. But be mindful of your soul’s needs whenever you are choosing to take on something, especially when embarking on something you consider important and necessary.

One can always ask oneself, “What can I take with me into spirit if I were to depart from the earth realm tomorrow?” “What would I do in the next 24 hours considering my body, my mind and my soul?” “What baggage have I accumulated that will not benefit me one iota in spirit”?

And though you may consider with your material mind that I am referring only to physical items, be assured that I mean not only those material things that seem to be so necessary for existence on earth, and not only those things which are not necessary but bring one great satisfaction, but things that remain unresolved in your hearts. Matters of forgiveness or intolerance or simple unkindness, or not setting things right that have gone astray with anyone. So, what is it that you will take with you on your walk in your world and into the next? What will bring you the most joy?

What makes your heart leap and your soul smile?

I thank you once again for allowing me to come and for sharing what I received with each other and others. It brings my heart great joy. But lastly, know that the love of God received through prayer in the meditation of Divine Love, is the greatest gift. And that gift will take you beyond the earth to the Celestial shores and the Kingdom of God’s love. With all my love and gratitude, I am your brother in Christ always willing to be at your service. I am Robert J. Lees. God bless you!