Messages 2021
Our Magnificent Journey Together
September 9th, 2021
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Some of you are becoming familiar with what it is that we are doing in development with this group. Indeed we continue to refine the processes and the ways in which we may accomplish the developments of your gifts and the possibilities of manifestation through each one of you. As we gather different groups together, so we too are learning and refining those processes. Though material manifestation has been experimented with for many years in the spiritualist community, what we are attempting to do is something different and something of a higher calibre. We are not experimenting with ectoplasmic manifestation, as so many have tried to do and some have actually accomplished the manifestation of spirits who are quite close to the earth plane. And yet together we are focussed upon manifesting spirits, celestial angles from the highest planes, which in itself is a very different matter than those who have done manifestations in the past.
Without your concerted efforts and prayer in releasing conditions, energies about you that are not in harmony with the very nature and soul of a Celestial angle, this cannot be accomplished. Although we need to reduce our vibration, as you call it, to a lower frequency in order to make a firm and close rapport with you, so that manifestation can take place through you, it is important that you reach higher and that you make that effort from your earthly position into something that is beyond the earth plane and the human condition.
In these past few days we have been working diligently to assist you in an effort to release conditions that inhibit this effort and we encourage you to continue in your efforts to bring your thoughts and your very beings into greater harmony with light, truth and love, to be in greater alignment with God. The power of love, beloved souls, is the key to this venture. The power of Gods love to infiltrate and permeate all aspects of your being, all aspects of this room, this place in which you are gathered, so that a light is created, an atmosphere so strong, so much in alignment with love that we can accomplish what it is that we have set our sights upon. We also require that you establish yourselves in light in a more powerful and permanent way. If we are to venture forth together with this gift, we require you to set aside permanently those patterns and conditions that are not in harmony with love.
This is a great challenge to you and this has been spoken of in previous messages and communications. Yet we see progress, we see that you are making a concerted effort to step out of that old skin, that old you, that is no longer relevant to who you are becoming and who you are in the world. You are being given a beautiful environment in which to try this new way, this new self in the world. May you utilise your relationships together. May you utilise the power of the energies, as you call them, in this place and the blessings of God upon you and the presence of the angles who are here continuously so that you may reinforce and strengthen this new awakening, this new expression of your true selves, your souls. We will do our part, beloved souls, we will continue to help you sluff off those material, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions that are not in harmony with what it is that we are to accomplish together. Efforts are being made every moment and so we urge you to be receptive, prayerful, thoughtful, filled with the desire and enthusiasm that will encourage you to release all thoughts and conditions that are not in harmony.
You are given an ideal environment for this. God has made possible a wonderful opportunity and blessing to release many things, to be healed in many things and to recognise many things, so that in the short time that you are together you may make quick progress, you may indeed acknowledge and adopt these new ways of being. In this way you will assure success in your ventures and that you come closer to Gods plan for the salvation of humanity. You are coming into greater alignment with Gods will. You are infused with Gods Love which gives a potent seed to all that you do and indeed those faculties within you will emerge and awaken in accordance to your efforts, and our efforts, and Gods blessings.
This is not a complicated matter. Although some of you have seen some of the images and expressions of technologies, machineries and aspects of the work that we are doing on your behalf. It is not necessary for you to fully explore these things, but indeed being curious humans, your mind is eager to know and yet with innocence and grace may you come to accept and absorb these great blessings and experiences in whatever way and means that your are able to perceive and recognise such experiences.
There is much more to come as we just begin this journey together but I do not wish for you to be overly anxious or focussed upon the details of this experience, rather to open yourselves as children would to something new. To absorb it with that innocence and that desire to embrace, to be in that place of repose, yet eagerness and openness for what God has to give to each one of you. To be at peace and to know that you are beautifully taken in hand and led upon this particular journey where your needs are met and you share lovingly with your friends, your friends in the flesh and your friends in spirit, so that the awareness, this loving closeness and unity will only build as we continue on.
Beloved and beautiful souls, how you are graced with God’s Blessings, how you are uplifted in Gods love, how you are embraced in all that is of His Love and Will, and light. Beloved souls, we will continue upon this magnificent journey together and we are with you, so very close, so very close. God bless you. I am your Seretta Kem. My love is with you. God bless you.