Messages 2021

Our Souls Stand Naked before God

August 30th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother in Christ. I am Judas from Kerioth and now an inhabitant of the Celestial Heavens where God’s Love reigns supreme and there is happiness beyond the conception of mortals.

What you can perceive with your souls when you’re open to God’s Love will give you a kind of insight into what awaits you in spirit. It has been said that when one passes into spirit, they stand naked before God, and I wish to say that as brother Francis stood naked before his townsfolk, he was not afraid. It was because he knew there was no shame in exposing yourself to God. And so, this was a physical metaphor for how all things are exposed in spirit, but not as you might imagine, immediately. For until one recognizes that they are, in fact, now in the spirit world and has some sense of the condition of their soul, that condition may, in fact, be hidden for a time, but eventually, all truly do. Our souls stand naked before the Father in glory, in the purity, the blessing and bliss of transformation.

If you allow yourselves in your prayer to take a good look at your condition, and you realize when in the love of God, what you no longer need to carry and allow God to carry you, you too will experience what Francis did and for me when I was in spirit and saw my condition. And, as you are most probably most aware of, as hopeless as I thought I was, and unredeemed, when Andrew came to me and told me he loved me, that all of my brothers loved me, and most particularly the Master, I little by little was able to let go of my shame, my remorse; to begin to feel my worthiness.

So please always remember every soul is worthy to be blessed, to be in the love of God, to progress. When you hear the words “God loves all his children,” that means you and you and you and all.

Lastly, I say if you find yourself in some condition of darkness or shame or regret or doubt, remember God loves you and all of us here will come at your beckoned call as I did today.

Have faith, take heart, and may the love of God touch you deeply, heal you and transform you. On behalf of all here, we love you.

May God bless you always. I am your brother in Christ, your eternal friend. I am Judas. God bless you.