Messages 2021

Remember the Importance of Guiding the Children

July 5th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Fred Rogers.1 Hello all! Aloha Jimbeau!

For those of you who do not know me, I was a minister while on Earth, a father, a writer, a composer of music, a swimmer, and the host of a children’s tv show. My ministry was directed towards the children of the world. I wished them to feel safe and accepted and above all, loved. I prayed every night for guidance. I prayed for the blessings of God’s Love. I did not know the path of Divine Love, yet I received it while on Earth. This spark in my soul enabled me to teach children, to give them a sense of belonging in a world moving so fast. So, we sang and we had puppets, and royalty, and guests of many colors, many persuasions. I often used someone’s occupation, their gender, their race, to point out that we in fact all God’s children, all one in love.

I work with children now who have crossed over, so my work continues, and I am a progressive spirit and an inhabitant of the fifth sphere as you number them, and a possessor of the great gift of God’s Love. I come today not only to introduce myself and my work but to remind such a beautiful group of souls to remember that your time on Earth, however long, is but a blink in the eye of the Creator. What you leave your children and your children’s children and the generations to follow is of the utmost importance, for the world so needs love. I ask you to remember the importance of guiding the children, of being patient with them, of bringing the unity of all peoples, all religions, those who lack religion, and all genders in the oneness of love and in the blessing of God’s love. For as is said, we are all God’s children and one in His love.

I shall step back and join you in your prayer for the Love of the Creator. With all my heart I thank you for allowing me to come today. May God bless you all. I am Fred Rogers. God bless you.

Note 1 Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003), also known as Mister Rogers, was an American television host, author, producer, and Presbyterian minister. He was the creator, showrunner, and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, which ran from 1968 to 2001.