Messages 2021

Reminds Us of Our Commitments and What is Required to Break Through Our Struggles

October 9th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Your prayer was poignant, dear daughter, and heartfelt indeed. I am Aaron. I come to encourage you upon your path, for now that you have dispersed into the world and are engaging within your daily life, I see that you each of you have your challenges, your struggles, and your triumphs as you attempt to implement the guidance that has been given and the blessings that are within you.

You are not equal, beloved souls, for each of you are unique and therefore, the journey that you take is unique. There are some who are very gifted in perceptions and insights and are able to see us and hear us. Most of you sense us to some degree. All of you are lights and that light burns within your souls. Some of you struggle with your minds as it creates an impenetrable barrier between your conscious self and your soul. Some of you are freed within your minds and feel much, sense much, and at times perceive much.

Each of you are on a different trajectory, a different path toward the goal of expressing your purpose, your soul-felt destiny that will be and must be expressed in your world for you have made this commitment to walk in the world as a light, to be a channel of love and light in the world. Yet, you struggle, as all struggle upon your world. Yet, you sense the barriers, the obstructions toward this pure and beautiful expression of the soul. You wish to be guided and you are guided. Yet often the guidance that is given is not truly heard nor is it implemented. You are human. Yes, you struggle greatly with those human qualities within you. You are partly divine because you have received the gift of Divine Love within your souls that continuously transforms you and is working to awaken you. You are partially asleep because not all of you has been awakened but will be awakened in good time. Amongst you are many gifts, many talents, many perceptions and great light and yet many aspects and conditions that inhibit and dampen this light.

I come to urge you to see yourselves as God’s children, to be strong in this, to be committed to this, not only within your minds but in your souls and all of you, that this commitment is a solid and fully integrated part of your being. To be within the flow of God’s Will is to release all that which is not within the flow of God’s Will. To walk in the Light of God’s Love is to release all that is not of love. This is your challenge.

You have been given great blessings while you were together. You have committed yourselves to this path and to the task at hand. You have said to God, “I wish to serve. I wish to be that beautiful channel of light and love in the world.” So, I urge you to remind yourselves of this commitment, this dedication, that indeed you must be vigilant. You must see your behaviour in such a way that you can correct that which you realize is out of harmony with God’s Laws of Love. This requires effort. It is a task that is not readily accomplished. It is a daily struggle and a daily triumph for you must implement your free will and your minds and your souls in such a way that alignment is created and achieved and you are more readily able to expunge all that which is not in harmony with love.

It is a choice. You are given great resources. You are surrounded by angels. You are given all that you require. Each of you equally are given all that you require for this task at hand which is the alignment and purification of your soul within the blessing of God’s Divine Love infilling and transforming it. In conjunction with this, we are asking you to discipline your mind and bring it into greater harmony with your soul. Again, this is alignment. This is an integration of your entire self in harmony with the Laws of God’s Love.

We realize this is not an easy task. You do not live in an environment that encourages such a thing. As you continue upon your path and are expressive within the world, you will sense a great difference between your perceptions and mindsets and that of the general population. It can feel lonely at times, that sense of difference as you take that path less travelled. This is why God has brought you together, to support one another so that you may have this family of love, that you may sense that there are others upon this path. Amongst you is a great strength and great talents and abilities and gifts. Together you make a formidable force in the world, a force for good and light, harmony and truth. Instruments of God, surely you are and will be ever more powerful as you grow in the light.

In time, all those gifts you wish to manifest, all those things that you see will be a powerful utilization for the purpose of bringing many other souls to the Divine Love, the Truth of God’s Love. This will emerge as you emerge from those conditions of which I speak towards those conditions of which I am encouraging you to foster and grow within you.

We are ever there to assist you in this. You are not being ignored nor abandoned or any such thing. We are ever there at your side. How close we come is determined by your moment-by-moment decisions, that which you think and do and feel in your daily life. Yet, often in the expression of your inner selves, you feel that there is not control, that much that comes into your consciousness is reflexive and cannot be controlled. I wish to contradict this idea, that indeed you are in complete control, beloved souls. You can decide. You can act upon your decisions. You can look at your own self and say, “I must change this behaviour, this aspect of myself which I know is not in harmony with God.”

The greatest resource that you have, beloved souls, is your soul. Your soul in alignment with God will purge those things that are not of love. This is often where your sense of conflict arises. It is the resistance within you to this purging effect, this healing of love that comes to soothe, to align, to heal, to bring to a higher level your thoughts and condition. You are not a victim of the whims of your own nature for now you have within you a great powerhouse of strength and budding perceptions that will bring you to greater understanding and a deeper knowledge of your own self. The question is, are you willing to look? In looking, are you willing to implement that which you know must be implemented in order to bring greater harmony to yourselves? I know we do not often speak of these things to our beloved charges. Yet, you have committed yourself to something that is of a higher order and requires greater effort than what is common even within your family of Divine Love followers. Therefore, it requires greater effort. It requires a higher level of expectation and expression in order for the gifts that you wish to manifest to be realized.

So, each day is a test. Each day comes with its own particular challenges.Yet indeed, within that day, within those challenges, you are the same person. You carry your own individuality wherever you go. As such, you are responsible for the choices that you make and the expressions of yourself in relation to others and to the world.

Do not condemn yourself nor judge yourself. Rather, see from the sort of detachment which comes with a soul perceiving the world. This detachment allows you to see those immature parts of yourself, and yet do so with love and compassion but also do so with wisdom and knowledge so that you may change. You may nurture those parts that are in need of nurturing so that there is transformation and change. Do not deny yourselves love, love within, Love from God, love for the world, love for all that is God’s creation. It is when you are in that place of love that you perceive the world from that place of love, that these other parts of you cannot truly be manifest and active. In time, they will wither because they are not truly a part of you. It is merely a manifestation of your mind and all of those things that have been absorbed by your mind through your life experiences.

It is time to bring the soul to its predominant place within your consciousness. Your souls are filled with love. Your souls are filled with wisdom and knowledge. Your souls are easily capable of making choices that are in alignment with God. All these things reside within your souls. It is imperative that you bring your souls to ascendancy within your conscious self. This too is a great struggle but one worth engaging in and one that will bring you to a place of leadership, of example, of truly being a light in the world, a light that is needed, sore-fully needed. When it is expressed in this way, you lead by example, so you are truly an example of what Jesus has taught and continues to teach, this Truth of Love expressed through each of you.

We do not expect perfection. We know that you are human and you are on the road to becoming something other than human, of becoming a redeemed soul. Yet, it is important for you to expedite this progress, this journey to redemption for the world needs you as we have told you many times. The world requires those who are of great light and great wisdom, who teach by their example, and who are truly in alignment with what they teach.

We urge you on in this. As you know, it is accomplished primarily through your prayerful dedications but also through your actions, and your thoughts. These things must come into alignment. Love must be the modus operandi of your life. Express this wherever you can, beloved souls. When judgments and other things come up within your mind, be aware and say a prayer for yourself that you may overcome these conditions, that your mind may be quelled with love, and that all may come in a flow of love rather than stilted by the mindful considerations that are not of love.

We stand by you, beloved souls, always. We are with you. Our love for you is great. God’s Love for you is beyond your imaginings. May your love for yourself continue to grow and awaken and be you as you truly must be, as God’s created children, His beautiful souls dancing within life, that beautiful expression of true love, true light, and true joy.

God bless you, my friends. I am Aaron. I am happy to be with you today. God bless you. My love is with you.