Messages 2021

Simply Bring the Truth

July 26th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here and I come again to this beautiful circle. I am Judas.

In my time on earth walking with the Master and my brothers and our sisters, we witnessed firsthand how God works through those who are open and blessed with His love as Jesus was and is. Everywhere we went, some kind of goodness, some touch of God’s Love, some healing, some resonant story, reached out from the Master to the hungry even as we did not have the kind of media that you have, where you can in a moment share a wonder and reach out to the world. This being so we ask you for discernment always in what you are putting out to the world. It isn’t that you cannot speak out against injustice, for the Master did. And there were those among us who wanted revolution, and who mistook the revolution of God’s Love for the overthrow of the Roman yoke, that being our mindset.

So, imagine this job that the Master took on? He selected each one for a reason and many others were drawn in by their hunger. He told wonderful stories as you know, and when you review what is written in the New Testament, you can see he drew from the prophets of old which he was extremely well acquainted with and often used their words to make a spiritual point. My point here is that you can use what is true in your tradition and to bring truth to anyone’s present moment, and present belief. And rather than confronting them by pointing out the error we ask that you simply bring the truth. For example: “Will you pray with me. Let us ask The Heavenly Father, Our Creator, to bless us, to heal this one, to open a door that has been closed?”

Even those who might not even believe in God, when in crisis will often be led by their soul longings to reach out and they will call on you, each one of you, and you can tell your story and touch them with the love that you have, for really, we are telling His story. There is much each one here can do to bring this love in your souls, this light, into the world. I am not telling you something you don’t already know but wish to remind you the great power of God’s Love to touch a soul with a simple word of kindness, with a prayer, with a hug.

As you walk this world and more and more feel this glow, this substance of our Heavenly Father that you now possess to whatever degree in Oneness, you cannot help but wish to serve, to bless, to love all, and to give this gift, and to speak the truth that you have been given.

When you look back on your lives and sometimes with some remorse over time wasted, I say to you from this moment on, consider how you will utilize each moment walking on the path of Divine Love, moving forward in the Grace of God, in Joy, in Gratitude, in Service, in Kindness, bringing peace and hope, in the knowing of the glorious future that awaits you and all in God’s Love.

I thank you all and my brother here who likes to tell stories. I shall step back in gratitude to you for allowing me to step forward and I shall be in this prayer with you for the Love of God.

I am your brother and eternal friend in the Celestial heavens. I am Judas once from Kerioth now your Angelic brother. God bless you.