Messages 2021

Speak to God with Passion and Express Yourself with Passion

June 22nd, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Blessings to you, beloved souls. I am Faith. I want to encourage you all to have passion in your life, to not live life in a way that all is modulated to such a degree that you do not allow your feelings and your emotions to come forward for there is power within these emotions when you pray. Whether that be pain or whether that be joy, it carries an intensity, an energy that helps your prayers reach God in powerful ways for when you feel within yourselves these things deep within you, then you are attuned to your soul and you may open the door for God to touch your soul deeply.

My friends heard me speak this morning. Though what I would say today is far different from what I said back then, I said it with passion, intensity, and with clarity. In this way, people listened. They were touched by my words and my presence. It is that sort of passion and clarity that I urge all of you to express so that you can reach others who are seeking and the many who are lost, lifting them up with your love, that that love may be full and rich and bright as expressions of your soul. In this way, you open the door for God to use you, to open the floodgates of His Love and compassion and healing for another for the blessings of God are powerful given your impassioned prayers and desires. In my life, I was very ill and crippled with a stroke that left me barely able to move. Yet, one day I went and talked to God in a church. Although I was angry, I was also impassioned with my desire for God to heal me. In those moments, that healing took place and I was completely restored with God’s Touch. This sent me on the road to be His servant, to minister to others in the ways that I was guided and inspired. These things can happen in your life, beloved souls.

My beautiful friends, in the circumstance I was in, I suffered greatly. Yet, God in His compassion, in His Love for me, chose that moment to liberate me from the condition that I was in because He knew that once I was free from this condition and all that ailed me, whether that be of the body or the mind or the emotions, that I would set forth as one of His instruments in the world.

I must say that in that time and that opportunity that was given to me, I did reach many souls. Many souls came to me for comfort and wisdom and counselling, spiritual counselling. This can be your life as well, my friends. It requires a bit of passion and desire to step forward and ask God to use you as His instrument of light in the world. Indeed, if you are committed and sure of your steps done so in great faith, you will be surprised where God leads you and those of God’s children He will lead to you.

There is much that can be accomplished by one individual. As we see together, there is much that can be accomplished when numbers of you come together in prayer, sincere and intense. Be in harmony with God. Know that God’s Love is meant for all and that each of you who are willing and able to release your reticence and come to God with great passion and reach others with great passion, much work will be accomplished, many blessings will flow, and love will be the harbinger of all that you do. Light, wondrous light, will flow and expand all around each of you as it does at this moment as we are together. Be true to God. Be true to your soul and know that God desires deeply to use you as His instruments and channels of love in the world and will open those doors to make this possible.

God bless you, my friends. I am Faith and I too pray with you as do many, many angels and bright spirits and those who are seeking on the other side and come because they are drawn to this light. There are many who benefit from your gatherings. There will be many who will benefit from your efforts, both as an individual working for God and as a collective working together in harmony for God. God bless you, my friends. God bless you. My love is with you. Oh, how I love each one of you. Oh, how beautiful are your souls. How truly beautiful is your countenance in the world. God bless you. God bless you deeply.