Messages 2021

Speak to the World from your Soul

December 26th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Stephen, a disciple of the master and the first one martyred for my beliefs. I come in the Grace of God with love for all. As you may know we were not learned men, with a few exceptions. Many of us had our own agendas, our own lenses through which we processed what the Master gave us. Those who came seeking wisdom and knowledge to inform their minds were given (that) but were often disappointed, as the deeper message was always given to the soul.

Those of us in the Celestial realms communicate soul to soul and we allow the mind of the medium to use words so that you may all understand. This is, of course, why if I should speak through another the words would be somewhat different but the intention the same. So, as I am speaking soul to soul, I am impressing upon this one the importance of those of you receiving the love of God in your souls, to speak to the world from your souls.

When you are speaking to one who seems challenged, whose mental faculties are distant, those you call as being on the spectrum, those with Down syndrome, Alzheimers, and so forth, you can always speak to their souls. And if you come in the Grace of God and you shine your light upon them, which is the light of God’s love, they always respond. This will give you some idea of communicating soul to soul. And I know there are some in this group who are well aware of souls who may not be intellectually developed or who have lost, as we say, their train of thought, but who all respond to the vibrations of love. This is why you come into prayer that you may be in the vibration of love and more particularly in the Grace of Gods love, the highest vibration. Your souls, each one reaching out and the Creator blessing all, embracing all.

So, walking into the future whatever it may bring in the material world, amongst the changes on earth, amidst the turbulence, you may walk in peace yes, the peace that passes understanding, in the Grace of God. This is truly the gift to be giving and I know you will.

I thank this one for allowing me this time and I now join you in Holy Communion for God’s love. May His love and peace be with you! I am Stephen. God bless you.

Note Of interest is St Stephen’s feast day is December 26th.