Messages 2021
Spiritual Metamorphosis
December 31st, 2021
Punaluu, Hawaii, Oahu, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I come in the love of God. I am the one they call the Baptist, the cousin of the Master, and the forerunner to those who became baptized in the New Birth. For the water I baptized with became through the Master the “living waters” imbued with the Spirit of God.
The change that comes upon the soul that is open to receiving the Essence of the Creator has often been compared to the metamorphosis of the caterpillar that crawls, forms a chrysalis, and emerges a beautiful and new creature with wings. It is not a perfect analogy, but certainly you can see the difference between a crawling caterpillar and a beautiful butterfly ascending into the heavens. This is your journey, your destiny, as you discard the old and embrace the new.
Here in the spirit world, we also have new chapters, new beginnings, but no spirit ever takes a step backwards: there is only progression. On earth I know is seems, as they say, that you take one step forward and two steps back or two steps forward and one step back. But in reality, you have always moved forward for progression is the law in the Universe. Although some may stagnate and seem to flounder, all souls eventually seek love and progress.
On your journey many of you have experienced tragedy, loss, abuse, drug addiction and so forth. The material mind looks for material solutions, instant gratification, and the self- satisfaction of the senses. Yet, at some point by the Grace of God, the soul gets clarity and begins to seek out that love which not only lifts one up but transcends the ups and downs, the coming and goings. For this love is the Essence of God and it is eternal. This baptism in spirit as we say, brings each soul to the happiness and joy and love that it is seeking. My dear ones, brothers and sisters, this you know. So be it!
May you bring this gift, this truth to all. For it is the gift of the soul. As you walk into this New Year may the love of God give you the guidance necessary for the times ahead and may you know we are never far away. When you call, we come.
I thank you for allowing me this time and I shall step back in prayer with you in the glory of God’s love, in the luminance of this circle of light. May we all be blessed. I am John the Baptist. Go in peace!