Messages 2021

The Author of Through the Mists is very grateful

April 13th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Robert James Lees. And what Clare1 has said last week was hardly expressive of the gratitude I have. For you see I was known on earth and continue to be known as a person associated with what are called or what are known as the “Jack the Ripper murders” because when on earth I had visions of those nefarious deeds. I shared them with Scotland Yard and the police but it was only when those deeds coincided with my vision that they began to take me seriously. What I saw was real.

So my name and my work has long been associated with those tragedies. How can I tell how my heart leaps with joy to know that the work I did receiving these messages from spirit which you are now sharing with each other and allowing your souls to absorb, honor me. So yes I come to listen to be with you and to try and influence you that you may understand with your souls and have some glimpse of life here.

And I may say it is as difficult now, as I am an inhabitant on the precipice of the Celestial heavens in the 7th sphere, to describe this place and my journey. It is as difficult now, perhaps even more so than it was then. I had wonderful guides and the words flowed through my hand and through my heart and left me with a trust and a faith that allowed me a fearless entrance into spirit - the glories of which are so difficult to explain and describe to those of you on earth.2

Thank you for such kind words in regard to what I received. I can feel your delight when certain passages impress you in a most loving way. For love is the path and God’s Love as I stated then and continue to proclaim is the path to the Celestial heavens. Have no doubt.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and with all my love and affection in the Grace of God say goodbye for now. I am your brother and friend in Christ and a very blessed soul. I am Robert J Lees. Thank You.

Note 1 Clare of Assisi commented that R.J. Lees was very grateful to the group for reading his material and that he would come at a later date to speak.

Note 2 Robert James Lees authored three amazing books, namely Through the Mists, The Life Elysian and The Gate of Heaven