Messages 2021

The Door will be Opened

November 18th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

It is I Care. I am delighted to be with you all and yes it was me. I came in to listen to my prayer1 that seemed so long ago and yet still resonates with the deep longings in my soul and I am pleased that it resonates with you. Presently however, it is a mere reflection of the light of the Celestial heavens. For you are looking out at the sun breaking on the horizon and the beauty of the firmament and the starry skies. And we are as if galaxies, nova’s, our beings of light. I know you can sense this in your souls of what awaits and so I say, “Hang on to that.” That crack where the light comes in, for one day the door will be completely opened and everything you could possibly have wished for and a million times more will be your reality. It is Glorious!

May all your prayers be answered. For the Universe conspires for the greatest good, for the biggest blessing, for every soul in the love of God. I love you. I am Care. God bless you.

Note 1 Referring to Care’s recording of her praying the Prayer Perfect or Prayer for Divine Love that Jesus gave to James Padgett. This can be found here on YouTube.