Messages 2021

The Spark of Light in Your Soul

January 6th, 2021

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here here your brother and friend Judas. I have been with you in your circle today. I was pleased that you followed your guidance and read the messages that you did. I can see into one’s heart and you know when a certain part of a message turns on let’s say, a light, we perceive that flicker, that “aha moment”, and we of course wish you to take that and hold it in your heart hold it in your soul. Go back and reread it if need be until you understand it with all your being.

There is a great deal more to be communicated. And though you may think that all the truths of God’s Love and the way to the Celestial Kingdom have been conveyed, that is only true, if and when those messages reach all those longing for the truth. So, we continue to bring to you the truths and we often focus on the needs of the individuals whether they be in spirit or the material world, when we convey a message. Consider them like seeds on fertile ground. You cannot always see which ones will grow at first but eventually as they come up through the soil and grow into beautiful flowers, food, or fragrance, you can make this analogy to your soul. As food for the soul has the fragrance of God’s love and yes even perhaps the smell of roses and the beauty of Grace when you are in the flow of the Creators love.

Once you feel this love there is a part of you that will always be drawn despite any difficulties, any hardships or circumstances that lead you astray or to doubt or be in fear. That spark of light in your soul will always remain and we shall always come and influence you to pray for the love while respecting your free will yet influencing you with our love and our wish for your happiness.

So much in the world is superfluous and unnecessary. And earlier, when Francis came through this one, he told the dear soul that he saw his soul. And he told you that when he saw his soul as the most precious thing he owned, it was easy to give up all those things that are temporal. For God provides for all your needs and you need not worry. When you need His love, He touches your soul with eternity. Which as you say is, ‘the gift that keeps on giving.” And it is true as it is an eternal gift and one that will carry through this world and to the Kingdom of God and the Celestial realm.

So, pray my dear friends and pray more and follow your guidance.

With all my love and blessings and from all of us here, we bring you peace and the love of God in our souls and a wish for transformation in the goodness of God’s love in this New Year. May God bless you. I am your brother in Christ and your friend. Judas.