Messages 2021

Three Minds of the Individual

June 20th, 2021

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

It is such a privilege to pray with you today, my beautiful friends. I come with my friend who has just said his prayer. I am Yogananda, and I come because I’m close to him and close to you all in your aspirations to seek the Divine blessings within you.

And I wish to make comment on an important message that was delivered a few days ago by our beloved Master, Jesus, about the minds that are within each of you. He spoke of the centers of consciousness that dwell within each aspect of your being, that of the material mind, that of the spirit mind, and that of the mind of the soul. As you have often surmised that the material mind is the most predominant consciousness of humanity upon the earth plane, for this is the mind that is activated more often than any other because of the nature of the conditions upon this earthly planet. So our work is to help you to shift your consciousness beyond this and ideally to shift it towards the consciousness of soul.

Many of you dabble within the consciousness of the spirit and have many experiences within that realm of knowing and feeling and perceiving. We encourage you to do so because you are closer to the highest level of consciousness that is capable within you, which is your soul. So many are stuck within the material consciousness. So many do not believe there is anything more than this place so filled with information and stimuli that nurtures the body, the desires of the flesh, and the intellect of the mind.

And yet there is so much more to every individual and there have been many teachers upon your world, of which I have been one, who have encouraged those who are willing to listen, to go beyond this place and discover their own true potentials. Although in my teachings I have mentioned the consciousness of soul and have had when on earth a limited understanding of this consciousness, I did not truly know the road which would take one to that higher level of consciousness, expanded and awakened by the very essence of God’s Soul flowing within. But indeed it did not take me long to know this explicitly and implicitly. And so I worked diligently to make my way to the Celestial Kingdom through the ways and means that are known to you and are the way and doorway to opening the soul.

Your prayers, my friends, help to awaken many other souls, for around you is a vast conclave of seeking souls who come to your earthly plane in these times, so to learn of the important truths, to truly understand the soul. Many of these individuals are firmly attached to the spirit mind, and do not know anything different but yet sense that there is more. It is for you to gather together to assist these spirits and to assist those in the flesh to come to understand the true meaning of soul and the true expression of soul. It is in prayer, in this humble yet intense reaching for God, the source of all, to receive His blessings of Love, to know truly that you are loved, that the awakening begins.

It is a magnificent journey, beloved friends. As one who has journeyed far and wide in their spiritual life, let me say to you that this is the most magnificent journey I have ever taken, and to know that this journey is forever and will never end, brings a great sense of joy and anticipation within every soul, whether they be upon the earth plane or in high Celestial heavens. It is a magnificent gift, a wondrous journey towards greater at-onement with all that is God, all that is Divine, all that God has created in the universe. It is a gift given to every soul who accepts it and lies in its great and magnificent light and truth. May your souls open to love, may you truly come to know your magnificence, your potential, your great and wondrous soul which God has given you in order to awaken all that is and can be within one individual, its magnificence never fully realized, for it is an eternal journey.

May God bless you, beloved and beautiful souls, upon that journey of light and love. I am happy to be with you today and I continue to pray for each of you to be a servant of God, to help those upon the earthly plane and those upon the spirit realms to find their way as we found our way in the great and wondrous knowing, experiencing and receiving of this magnificent gift from God. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you deeply. My love is with you. God bless you.