Messages 2021
Walk in Faith
November 1st, 2021
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here your brother in Christ, Luke. When you truly love another, it energizes them, for you radiate true love. And to those who are open, they feel your love. It gives them hope, it sustains them, comforts them.
The Master had spoken to us about having the faith of a mustard seed, a very small seed, that produced a beautiful plant. And he often admonished us when we didn’t walk in faith, but of course, in a loving way. When you come to prayer in that faith that you will receive an answer, with the deep longings in your souls for the Love of God, you receive this gift, however small, that will ultimately blossom into a new creature, transformed. Allow faith to guide you, knowing that the Heavenly Father never refuses his children that come in faith and sincere longings for his Divine Love. There is the faith of a child trusting its parents. There is the faith of the traveler to arrive safely at their destination. There is the faith of one who is ill to expect a miracle.
The answer to your prayers is not always the one that you might expect, but it is always the right one. As you come in prayer, your soul activated by God’s Love, enables you to walk in faith. To bring this gift to your day, to your family, to your friends, to the world, and yes, even to your enemies.
So, my dear friends, as you’re praying for the Love of God and your soul receives it, be grateful for this gift, be grateful for your answered prayer, and with this gratitude in your heart, walk in faith. May the Love of God be yours. I am your brother in Christ, I am Luke. Go with God, go in peace.