Messages 2022

Augustine Acknowledges Jesus for the Truth He Brought to the World

November 23rd, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

The road to heaven is paved with love, my beloved brothers and sisters. I am your teacher, Augustine. Every act of love is a brick upon that road that you create for yourselves as you express light and love in the world. As you well know, what paves and lights this road is God’s Love. It is the very foundation of the journey. Indeed, our beloved Master Jesus came to speak of this love, to open the doorway to this gift. Two thousand years ago, my beloved friends, he came to express this truth, to teach it, to demonstrate, to be an example of the power of love to transform and heal and uplift. And so in his ministry, many benefitted from his touch, his prayers, his efforts to help his brothers and sisters.

Even today you remember him and you honor him. You do not honour him as God, you honour him as your beloved elder brother. He carries the truth and leads the way. So we are all followers of our beloved Master Jesus, who opened the door to this truth. Indeed to honor him in love, to acknowledge his efforts is a dedication of love to the truth. It is not that Jesus desires this or basks in your admiration. No, he is far too humble for this. It is important that you reinforce truth that has been given and see this time of contemplation and dedication as an acknowledgement of the truth that has been given and an acknowledgement of the efforts that your beloved brother has made to ensure that the opening to heaven remains such, that you may walk through this gate because your prayers have earned you a place within the realms of the Celestial Heavens.

It does not come because you have acknowledged the truth. It comes because you have expressed and applied the truth to your life, to your soul. May each of you continue to dedicate your lives, to dedicate yourselves to this truth. Dedicate yourselves to God so you may receive ever greater abundance of His Love. For it is in this gift that all is given. It is in this gift that Jesus has opened the way for all of us to step forward, to be redeemed within our souls, transformed by this Touch Divine, awakened in love. The simple way, my beloved and beautiful students, the way of light, the way of truth is not a complicated path. It is a path that requires your focus and dedication and expression of love, Love Divine, the Essence of God, awakening you ever so slowly as the tree that is your soul grows many branches and leaves form as your gifts emerge and this beautiful creation of God that is your soul becomes fulsome and beautiful to behold.

My beloved students, it is a time of acknowledgement, of joy, of love for one another. It is the time to contemplate the year that has passed so you may see how you’ve grown in love, how you have awakened in truth, how you have changed your ways and expressions of life to be more in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. As the year comes to a close, so a milestone has been marked. More steps have been made towards your journey to at-onement God and you find your way more clearly upon a path that God has lit for you, has provided to you the assistance of the angels, the blessing of His hand, His Holy Spirit upon you.

Much has been given, beloved souls. Yet this is only a drop of what is to come, a small portion of what God intends for each one of you. May you be eager and full of joyous anticipation for the days to come, for the opening of your soul in greater effort and expression to receive the great gift of God’s Love. And God indeed, has all that is good and righteous and beautiful to be given to each of you, your birthright fulfilled, beloved souls, your desire quenched, the thirst of the soul, seeking the living waters of God.

My beloved souls, my beloved students, beloved brothers and sisters, we gather together today to acknowledge the highest gift, the greatest blessing. So we are children of God, seeking the nourishment of the soul, seeking to walk the path Divine, to awaken and to be fulfilled in the truth of God’s love. God bless you, beloveds. I am with you. I love you dearly and we shall continue on this road. For all eternity, we shall walk together seeking all that God has to give, receiving all that flows towards us and acknowledging all that has been given and the wonderment of God’s creation.

God bless you, beloveds. God bless you and keep you in His love. Say a prayer of thanks for your beloved brother, Jesus and his efforts to open the door to the Kingdom, to be the truth sayer, the light, the expression of God’s handiwork and blessings upon the soul. God bless you. God bless you all. My love is with you. I am Augustine. My love is with you. God bless you.