Messages 2022

Act in Love

November 21st, 2022

Nashville, Tenn, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother and friend in the love of God, Charlie Chaplin.

I wish to say a few things about acting in relationship to walking in the world every day. There are many expressions that are commonly used that include the word acting. For instance, that someone is acting up, acting like they don’t care, or conversely, acting in love. Actors draw upon their life experiences, their relationships, their ups and downs, their joys and sorrows when presenting a character. You can relate well enough when you watch films and you are moved because the actors have touched your heart, have opened a door, or provided an insight. It is not too much of a stretch to say that everyone is being an actor all the time, and I don’t mean particularly in a superficial way, although in an unconscious world, when one is awake, surely you see people walking as in a dream being tossed to and fro by events, by words, often spiraling, in a downward way, and then again being lifted up, tossed about like waves on the sea.

You, my friends, who have asked for this gift of God’s love, who long to be awakened, are in fact awakened and awakening, as was read earlier about soul perceptions. When one walks in love, and most especially in the grace of God, it is like being awake in a dream, and in each moment one can be in the flow of grace, in guidance from above. And should things become difficult, I would ask you to reach into your soul, to that place where you have received the essence of God, which is your connection to your Creator. Go to that place of love and act on it. Whenever you go to this place, doubt, fear, anger, grief disappear. For you have replaced them with love. The love of God is endless. This I know now.

And though when on Earth, I wished to bring people human love, human insight which is a good thing, now on my journey to the celestial realms in divine love, I wish to share these insights, that it may bless you and benefit you, and that you may be a blessing to all.

Remember to smile even if your heart is breaking. Remember the love of God in any moment. Dispel the darkness, allow the angels to work with you, and be a light unto the world. I thank you so much for allowing me these words. I hope they reveal some insight into your everyday walk. May God bless you. I thank you. I am your brother in the love of God, Charles. Charlie Chaplin.