Messages 2022

Angels Seek to Work With our Soul Minds as They Nurture Us

August 8th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am your Professor Salyards. It is good that you pray for your will to be in alignment with God’s Will. It is good that you observe and are aware of the power of your own willfulness, your own capacity to make decisions, to act upon those decisions, and to manifest your will in the world for God has given you and all of humanity and all His children a great gift, that of free will. Unfortunately, it is a double-edged sword. Depending on what you desire, so, this influences and often determines your journey, especially that of your spiritual journey. Yet you pray to be in alignment with God’s Will and we encourage you to do so.

What does this mean? Often your conception of will and desire comes from that of your mind. Your mind only determines and is cognizant of a small portion of the will that you carry within your being for there is the will of your spirit mind and the will of your soul mind. These two other aspects of your being are often misunderstood or not clearly understood by you. Therefore you assume that which is the easiest to understand, that of your mindful will. This is not a completely accurate picture of what you desire in the fullness of your being. Your will carries through the multiple layers of your being, your light, your presence, your actions, your endeavours, and your desires. When you are truly in alignment with these other parts of yourself and that alignment is clear and understood in a deep way, then you may indeed know the alignment that you seek with God. That way, there is synchronicity between all of these aspects of your own consciousness with that of God. In this way, those parts of you that are willful and which have very mindfully embedded biases and intentions are transformed and integrated into the wholeness of who you are.

The power of the will of your soul mind is the will that we encourage and nurture in our efforts to help you develop spiritually for in this willful part of your soul are the active energies and expressions of your soul. They bring forth your gifts and your capacities and bring to manifestation many aspects of your true being. This is the part of you that we work with the most, for it is the most powerful part that you possess. Yet, many of you do not even understand the nature of your soul. You have a vague idea, though sometimes a deep understanding and insights into your soul, but generally you do not operate from this place. You are more in alignment with the earthly conditions of the soul, or rather the mind of the material. Yet, you continue to pray and yearn for the great transformation that will integrate all parts of you into a oneness that is in harmony with God, that reflects the power of His Love transforming and making you into that beautiful being which God intends for you to be.

You must have patience for these things do not come overnight. It takes time and application. You must test these different levels and aspects of your spiritual growth and development. You must come to question what you believe is reality, for the reality that you carry is only a dim reflection of what is truly your reality, that part that remains so hidden and misunderstood. Yet, you are climbing that ladder toward clarity and understanding the subtleties of your being. You are making great progress for you continue to pray often and we continue to be close to you, ever closer as you are expressing a deeper sincerity and intentions which come from the soul.

Much is coming to you, my friends, more insights, more understanding, more clarity, deeper, soulful perceptions so that you may truly be God’s instruments, you may truly fulfill your deep desires to serve God and in serving God, serve humanity. With each day be aware of the processes within you, those aspects that continue to manifest through you and interact within you and upon the earthly plane. This awareness is important, to let go of those restrictions that come with the mind distorted by a life full of experiences and conditions which reflect this earthly plane. Rising above and beyond this is the goal. Trusting in that which is beyond these heavy conditions of the Earth plane, that part of you that wishes to ascend into greater light, that part of you that longs to manifest its faculties and gifts and love in the world. It comes, ever so slowly but the pace is quickening. You will find that soon you will see rapid progress. Your pace of progress will quicken indeed into a sprint, into a joyous embrace of God and all that comes with this embrace and desire for His gifts of healing and Love which He shares so bountifully with each of you.

Yes, we are on the road, my beloved friends, we are on the road. So, we shall progress upon it, walking steadfastly in faith, in desire, and in prayer and effort in the consistent application of the truths. So, we shall go beyond those things of the Earth to those things of Heaven, knowing the joy and fulfillment of the journey.

God bless you, my friends. I am your Professor Salyards. I am with you in love and encouragement, in brotherhood and sisterhood, and all that is of God. God bless you, beloved friends. My love is with you always. God bless you.