Messages 2022

The Battle Between the Mind and the Soul

March 12th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God bless you, my beautiful and beloved friends, I am your teacher, Augustine. Prayer and action are two sides of the same coin. For without the expression of prayer in your lives and the action that comes with God’s answering your prayer, how may you be God’s active instruments in the world? It is important in prayer that you ask to be guided, that you ask to be inspired, that you ask to walk the road that God has intended for you. For upon that road comes many opportunities. A flow of God’s will is met upon that road and yet, you continue to question, to doubt and to denigrate yourselves saying that you are not worthy, you are not capable, you are not in a position to be God’s instruments in the world.

Many reasons in your mind indicate that you cannot possibly fulfill something as beautiful and magnificent as God’s will and expression in your lives. How can you reach many other souls? How can you be that individual that is a teacher, a healer, a channel for God when you are inhibited by that which is of the human condition, that which expresses not God’s will but your own? As you continue to grow in God’s love and pray for this blessing within your soul and the power of this blessing takes hold and transforms you, then you are closer to this goal, a goal that is not just an edict spoken by an angel but a true desire within you. For the soul desires to be a channel of love, a light in the world.The purpose within your soul is to do so, but without the transforming power of love releasing those inhibitions and conditions which hold you back, then you are not able to truly express this desire. Yes, you may formulate plans and ideas in your mind. You may see with the vision of the intellect certain roads and expressions that will bring you to a goal formulated by interpretation of God’s will and because you are human, this is inevitable that you will come to these conclusions and express yourself in this way. Yet, as you continue to be refined in love, so the mindful thoughts and plannings will give way to the soulful knowings and inspiration that will lead you upon the road that is designated by God.

There is a compromise that comes between your mind and your soul. In many respects the feeling of compromise comes from your mind. For your mind desires dominance and you trust your mind more than your soul. It is more evident in your consciousness. It has been trained and honed by years of experience and so the ideas that come from this place, this center of thought have more validity to you than that which is the subtle and less overt inclinations and guidance that comes with your soul. Indeed, you continue to pray for the awakening of your soul. I hear these prayers often from each of you. There is a heartfelt desire to step beyond the limitations of the mind and to walk in the flow and expansion of soul awareness. And this comes with your alignment with God and the receiving of His essence within you. Each of you earnestly endeavors to accomplish this state of being and knowing. And so, I applaud you for your efforts. I encourage you upon that road, the road of soul awakening and the ascension of the soul in your consciousness.

The great challenge for you comes as the mind asserts itself constantly and affirms that it is in control, that it is and knows of the highest thought, the highest truth and yet within you, you know that this is not correct. That the mind is merely a reflection of the highest thought and truth. The highest thought and truth resides within your soul and as your soul attempts to communicate with your mind, your consciousness, it then is re-interpreted and distorted within that process and journey toward consciousness reckoning and realization.

If you are to truly be that individual who in prayer, acting upon the will of God, then you must come to reconcile your mind with your soul. You must allow the soul ascendency. Many of you here have a great light within you. Many of you here are quite capable of this ascendancy but because of your daily life and routines, you continue to assert the mind in all kinds of ways, in all manner of expressions. So the power of the mind, the ascendancy of the mind is reinforced, almost with every breadth. This is truly a dilemma. For the world asserts that you must act in this way, that this is the truth and reality of the human condition and human life. Yet, you are contrarians, my beloved and beautiful friends. You are attempting to change your reality, your way of being, and bring it more into alignment with the truth of love, the truth of God’s will and this battle continues, day in and day out. At times you are fully aware of this battle. At other times you are comfortable within the duality and the challenge that comes.

In time, the power of the soul must take its ascendancy and place within your consciousness. You cannot go on seeking the great love of God pleading with God to nurture your soul and awaken you without this being the outcome of such endeavors. We continue to assist you upon this journey and reinforce the power of your soul and the power of soul awareness within you. For we know what wonders await for each of you. We are well aware of your challenges, for we too faced such challenges, even the beloved Master was challenged by the human condition. But rarely upon this Earth plane has so much effort and focus from the spirits of light and the Celestial Angels and others have been put upon those individuals who seek the ascendancy of the soul. The vast array of support, of love, of prayer and light that is offered to each one of you is truly remarkable and in this way, your progress toward soul ascendancy is accelerated by these blessings and gifts, all orchestrated by God.

The world awaits your ascendancy, beloveds souls. Even if but a few are able to accomplish this task to integrate so that the soul may truly find its place and voice within, you will truly become powerful agents of change in the world, an example for many to follow. I know we ask much of you, my friends. Indeed, your lives are comfortable in the mediocrity of the mind and that to venture forward to something new and challenging that contradicts the ways and ideas of human existence, that you are reluctant, even fearful of such change. Yet, I say to you that unless change is initiated within your Earthly plane, the suffering of humanity will continue and will increase and will bring about great darkness. And so, we come to those who will listen, those who are willing, those within their souls know that they have a purpose and place within God’s great plan for the salvation of humanity. We beseech you to seek for the highest, to seek the blessings of God’s highest love, to awaken to these blessings, to allow your soul its true place in ascendancy within you. For this is the key for the transformation of mankind, from darkness to light, ignorance to truth, from pain and suffering to love and joy. Can you be that individual, beloved souls? One who is truly God’s instrument and channel of love in the world. Each of you is capable. God has given you everything that you require to do so, but it is for you to choose, not just once but with every breadth to be within the reality of God’s love of your soul, of God’s creation.

It does not come overnight but it comes gradually as the scales are lifted from your eyes, the wisdom of your soul asserts itself, the power of that love within you shines forth. Your journey continues and you seek the awakening, and God blesses each of you so that the potential and fulfillment is in sight and possible within your lives.

May God bless you upon your journey of awakening, upon your journey to God. May you come to know your true selves and express this in every aspect of your lives. May love shine forth in all its glory and beauty, each of you, a precious soul of God, created for a purpose, created to be God’s shining lights in the Universe.

May God bless you, my friends, beautiful souls, beautiful souls. May God bless you in love. I am your teacher, Augustine and I walk with you as do many, many angels walk with you upon this path. My love is with you beloveds. I cherish each of you and continue to do my part to guide you. God bless you. God bless you.