Messages 2022

Be Aware of Your Fears and Confront Your Barriers

August 6th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Greetings and blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. Do you not see that your spiritual pursuits and progression are quickened and upon a trajectory which is intense and filled with many opportunities to grow and learn of all things spiritual and all things that are of your higher consciousness and nature and soul? For in times to come, you will be the teachers. You will be the ones giving important information and guidance and teachings to your brothers and sisters who will be in a place of receptivity if not desperation for answers to what is happening to them and what will happen to them in the future.

The world is undergoing a great transition. There are many forces and energetic elements involved in guiding this journey of the awakening of humanity. You must be one step ahead of this process. In order to be one who looks back at their fellow man and speaks of what the journey entails and what is required to adjust to those things that are of great change and disruption, you must be equipped, both within your mind and your soul. You must be equipped to answer questions, to see clearly, to have the faculties within you awakened so that you are on firm footing, a clear mind, wise within your soul knowing the Will of God and integrating that Will within your lives, within your consciousness, and within all that you do.

We ask much of you, my friends, for there is much required from those of you who have stepped forward and asked to be used as instruments of light, teachers of truth, examples and channels of love and truth. This is not a casual undertaking. It is not something you do as a hobby, something that is done on certain days of your week or hours of your day. Rather, it must be your life. It must be incorporated in everything you do in your life, for how else can you be the living examples and clear and powerful teachers of truth and demonstrators of these truths to others?

Of course, God does not force you to step into this role. Rather, you are invited, lovingly so. Indeed, God knows the potential within you and your future. Indeed, in God’s wisdom, His knowings, He sees the role that you must play and He has endowed within you and upon you the capacities to play that role, to be that light, that individual of service and grace. Believe in yourselves, my friends. Truly embrace who you are, all the wonderment that is your being. In this embracing of yourself, you must also open the doors to embrace God. Those doors must swing open wide. Your relationship with God must be filled with awareness, consciousness, joy, truth, and love.

You are the forerunners of that which is to come. You have made this commitment, not just in your mind and your beliefs, but within your soul, where there is a true knowing and awareness of the journey ahead and what that entails. So, as you step forward, take into account what has been given and the many blessings that have come to you. The ministrations of angels, bright spirits, and we of other worlds continue to focus on each one of you. Though your mind continues to be blinkered by your biases and thoughts, in those times that you break free of these restrictive ideas, you get a glimpse into the true journey and your true purpose in it. This will grow, my friends as you continue to exercise your faith, your trust, and your love in your journey, your service to God, and your service to humanity. This comes with many rewards and many blessings, much of which you have experienced. These rewards and blessings are coming more intensely as time approaches where you are needed. So, God hurries you along this path so that you may be fully prepared, that you may be wise and true to all that which is in harmony with God’s Laws of Love.

Let go of those old assumptions and ideas which you lead you in directions that are not fully in alignment with God’s Will. These things will not have the fulfillment and sense of well-being which come when you are truly upon the path that is reflective of God’s Will. You must learn to discern between these two things, that which is of your own imaging and will and that which is of God and His Will. This is a very fundamental perception that each one of you needs to make clear and powerful within your consciousness, for without the true understanding of God’s Will and the confusion between your will and God’s Will, you will not be able to move forward in a powerful way, in a way that is intended.

There are many aspects of your spiritual perceptions and gifts that are yet to be explored and developed. But the time grows short, my friends, and there is no time to waste. You must dedicate yourselves to such a depth and degree that your spiritual awareness and your consciousness and your soul become the forefront influence that informs each step that you take each day that you are on this earthly plane. I know many of you feel inadequate in this regard. You feel like you do not know, that you are blind and lack the insight, the intuition, the perceptions to lead you upon such a path. Yet, I say to you, that these perceptions and abilities are but a breath away. They are so very close. Yet, because of your insistence on expressing your life in the ways that are of your old patterns and beliefs and biases, you are not truly attuned to these aspects of your being.

This struggle continues and you know it well. But I say to you, what is holding you back? Is it fear of rejection? Is it fear of misstepping your way along the path? Is it fear of truly confronting those things that are not in harmony with God? Maybe it is all of these things, for fear still rests within your heart and your mind. It is not predominant nor is it particularly powerful but it exists. It exerts its influence upon your thinking and doing. It is time to put aside fear. It is time to put aside your reticence. In embracing these things of which I speak, your true self, you will not lose anything in the process but gain so much more. Those things that you are longing for, those things that your mind contemplates and wishes to be a part of your reality will come cascading into your consciousness becoming truly a part of your sense of self. They will come with a great rush of love, joy, and appreciation. You will look back and think, “Why did I hesitate? Why was I so fearful for there is nothing to fear and everything to gain?”

If you cannot overcome these obstacles, my friends, how can you become the teachers, the instruments of light and love that you aspire to be? Each day has its challenges. Each day has its rewards. May you come to see each day as a great gift and apply yourselves fully to that day, to be in harmony with God’s Will, to be truly a clear and beautiful, powerful, gracious channel of God’s Love and God’s Will. That way your presence will be known, the power of your light will be felt, the impact of your words will be great, and you will know what you must do and what you must say and where you must be at any given moment. These things come to you now in dribs and drabs. You are gratified when you come to understand something that is guidance from God.

What we are urging you to do is dedicate your life in such a way that each moment will be an expression of your gifts and your capacity to be God’s instrument in the world. Not an easy task, my friends, to travel from where you began and the conditions that you carried, the darkness that impinged upon you to a place of purity and light is a great step forward, one that is not easily attained, one that is extremely challenging. But God sets before you all that you require to do so. It is your choice, your will that determines the pace and outcomes of these efforts.

Each of you has your particular Achilles heel, your weaknesses, and your strengths. You know full well of these things within you. It is for you to look clearly at the impediments and to be clear as to the way that is set before you to heal yourself of these things, to release those conditions that are not in harmony with Divine Love. It is a great task ahead, beloved souls.

We continue to support you, uphold you, and pray for you. God continues to bless you. You continue to absorb these blessings and they have their effects upon you. But I fear often you live a double life, one that is of soul inclinations and desires and the other that is of your mind’s ideas and structures. These things must be integrated and must come together in harmony. It is through your will that this will be done. Know that we are with you always and that we shall always be with you. God is always with you and you are never alone, my beloved friends, never, always those forces and elements and beings who are dedicated to your well-being and upliftment. May you truly come to see and know this, embrace all that God wishes for you, and truly embrace yourself in love and be that being that is being nurtured, that is unfolding, that will be a beautiful light in the world.

God bless you, my friends. I am Orion. My love is with you. I continue to be your friend, to walk with you all. God bless you on this journey of light. God bless you on what is and will be a great unfolding of God’s plan for you. God bless you, my friends. We journey together.