Messages 2022

Be Joyful in God’s Love

April 18th, 2022

Holland America Retreat (At Sea)

Received by Al Fike

To you, my friends, I am Goldie. As you frolic in God’s bathtub, I hope that you will know and feel the many blessings that God has for you and the many beautiful gifts that are a part of your journey together. Joy is the theme of your travels. The joy of being together, the joy of reaching out to others and bringing joy to their hearts. Bring light. For as people come to these experiences, they come to be uplifted. They come to be lifted out of their conditions and lives to something that is special and blessed.

So, you are God’s active agents in this place and you can be the channels of love and light for those that are seeking relief from the darkness and pain, from the confusion, from the burdens of life. Many will be drawn to you, beloved souls. Many will be drawn because you are lights. Be joyful, do not concern yourself with the idea that you must be this way or that, just to be in the light. A channel of love in the world. That’s all God requires of you. So, you come together in these little circles of light to build and regenerate the light as you flow through your day and come to that place of peace together.

Beloved souls, you are the light, you are the light, and you are truly loved. God loves you dearly, fully. Open yourselves to this gift of His Love. Be in peace. Put aside your expectations and walk with each step, in delight and joy. Anticipating one blessing after another, you will find that God will bless you, bring you to those places of blessings, those opportunities to serve, those awakenings that will come to each of you as you continue to pray together. You are truly blessed to be together. You are truly blessed by God and you are truly loved.

Beloved souls, be in peace, be in peace and bask in the Touch of God opening your souls, dear beloveds, to God’s Touch. May God bless you. I am Goldie and I will be with you to tickle you on occasions, to help tickle others. For without joy, without joy, how can the light flourish. God bless you, my friends. I love you. God bless you.