Messages 2022

Be Soul Explorers!

January 20th, 2022

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here, your brother in Christ, it is I, Judas. It is a matter of faith in your prayers for God’s Love. These prayers become things, real substance, the essence of Love of the Creator in your souls. When the longing for this gift exceeds all else, it is given.

Those who set limitations upon themselves for whatever reason find themselves existing in a kind of nebulous state neither high nor low. So many just existing, meandering, so to speak, through the world. And yes, there are conditions in certain places, where souls find themselves which are very challenging, even life threatening. And yet, remember when you ask, you shall receive. There is often much joy in places of poverty where conditions might be very difficult. And yet, the inhabitants of those places have often made a connection with God, which draws us and many other helpers in the spirit world to them.

While on earth, even amongst the limitations, there is much that can be achieved. And when one aims for spiritual success, realizing truly that the material as helpful as it can be, and as necessary as it is to sustain life, is not one’s goal, is not the path to true happiness. For whatever can be attained in the material world, whatever riches, are but a passing fancy compared to the treasures that await you, my friends.

You have imagined the most scrumptious meal or dessert, and in a sense, you can taste this without actually eating it. This is because the mind is able to have a sense, of taste and flavor and enjoyment. So, when you walk in faith, you set your sights on a road of love and bliss, beautiful music, and gardens. These desires of the soul free you from limitations of the mind. This is important.

You have come this far, being helped every step of the way, being protected. And of course, your bodies are not perfect. They experience periods of health, periods of illness, and the natural deterioration in the physical world. And yet, would you disagree with me if I say, when your soul senses the freedom of light in the spirit world and the progression to the Celestial Realms, you, in a sense, leave your bodily condition of mind and travel with your soul? This I wish for you even while on earth. To be soul explorers, soul travelers. To receive that Love and truly have the Kingdom of Heaven within you, and the Love of God to share in the midst of all beings and all places. Then, my dear friends, when you make that transition to spirit, it will be as if walking through a doorway into your favorite room and greeted by your favorite people truly.

Oh, how I love you, and how we watch over each one of you. To whatever extent you are able to be in your souls, we are able to influence, inspire, protect, and guide you. This shall always be so, for all your days.

Go in the Grace of God’s Love. Be in the flow. I am your brother, and disciple of the Master and eternal friend. I am Judas. God Bless you!