Messages 2022

Be True to Your Souls

March 1st, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, I am Seretta Kem. We continue to take this journey together, my beloved and beautiful friends of the Earth. We continue to help prepare for the changes that are coming which will surely bring many opportunities to serve God, to be in harmony with His will and His plan. Indeed, you must seek for the highest beloved souls. Seek that your soul may be in alignment with God, that your soul may take precedence over your mind. For as you’ve been told many times, it is this shift within your consciousness, this decision that is a part of you, your mind and soul that will bring about the awakenings, the gifts and blessings that you seek to manifest in your life. It does not come without discipline and deep desire and effort. Truly, you must apply yourselves in order to reap the rewards of your efforts. This is a law, that those who seek, those who are in harmony with the laws of love, those who desire to grow further in light and love, will manifest many gifts, be a channel of many blessings for the benefit of their brothers and sisters.

The world continues to challenge you. It continues to morph into darker conditions as much fear is in your world at this time. As these conditions continue to strengthen, it is for you to strengthen in light, to truly be in alignment with light. Where all around you, there may be threats and chaos and difficulties and challenges, may you be the island of peace within the stormy seas. May you be a channel of light where all about you seems to forment in darkness. Every moment is a choice, my beloved and beautiful friends. What you choose in your thoughts and your actions speak much louder than your words and demonstrate clearly the conditions which you foster, especially within your minds. Can you choose to not be engage in judgment? Can you choose not to engage in those feelings of hurt and remorse and regret? Rather be clear of these conditions and when they come before you in your consciousness, lay them before God and ask your Heavenly Father to embrace you in love and heal you in love, to release all that is not of love.

This you must do over and over again. For the conditions of the world continue to press upon you. The old thoughts and patterns continue to exercise their power upon you. Yet your soul continues to awaken and open in love and be transformed in love. So you must continue to dig your way through these old conditions and make a clear passage between the mind of your soul and your conscious mind to bring these two together in a powerful synergy that will guide you and inform you and strengthen you in light as you pray for the gift of God’s blessings upon you, His love pouring into your soul. Also pray for the healing of your mind and the release of those conditions and hurts that come from a life lived on a difficult plane that challenges all upon it.

You know the formula. You know the truth. You know the way. It is for you to enact this truth with every breadth, to be vigilant so that you may release those conditions that are not in alignment with love. Yes, you are still children upon the path but each day you strengthen and grow. Each day you come a little closer to that place where the darkness cannot reach you and the inner darkness will fade to nothingness. Have faith in this journey, my friends. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in one another. Have faith in humanity that indeed there is great potential, though many flaws are displayed in all who inhabit this world of yours.

There is great potential and great possibility that love may indeed bring all back into harmony and peace. Pray for your loved ones, your fellow souls upon this world, pray that the conditions that threaten to bring greater darkness, be dissipated and that the power of God’s touch may heal all, transform all from darkness to light. This is the power of transformation. It comes with the power and dedication of your prayers and actions and thoughts so that all may be in harmony with God’s will. Allow His will be manifest and in this, all that you desire to manifest will be and will come into harmony with His will.

May God bless you and bless all of us on this great journey of love, transformation and light. I am Seretta Kem. I continue to travel with you on this path, never to leave, never to stray but always one step forward on the direct path towards atonement with God. God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you all. God bless you.