Messages 2022

Spirit is Building a Bridge between Spirit and Earth Planes

June 21st, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

It is Alec. We are all busy constructing a great bridge between the world of spirit and the world of man. From our side of this bridge, we have constructed most of it. It sits cantilevered over towards your shores, and your efforts are part of building this structure. We are reliant upon those efforts in prayer and thought and deed which helps to connect these two aspects of this blessed bridge. It will bring much information and understanding to humanity.

I wish to assure you that you are doing your part, that you are indeed busy and productive in this constructive phase. It is important that you come together in this way. For each time that you do, another element, another aspect of this bridge is completed. There is much more work to do, my friends. Yet indeed, you are continuing to endeavour to help create such a structure, such a way in which we may communicate with Earth clearly and efficiently to help dispel the darkness and error, confusion, all manner of conditions that are with humanity. For there is much that we can give and provide that will open the minds and eyes and souls of humanity. Is this not our goal, my friends, to step forward as God’s instruments, to be in partnership, to be in alignment? And for this mighty bridge of communication and manifestation to be complete and beautiful in its capacity to bring forth truth, light and love. To help humanity as your world undergoes its transition, its transformation. We cannot do enough to help widen this channel of light, truth and love to the world.

We have put much effort into this, the angels of God, the bright spirits of the spirit realms, wonderful souls from other worlds, so much effort. Indeed, if the equivalent were made on your end, you would be very engaged with it. But we are patient and we wait and we encourage and we pray for you all. We are there with you to help uplift you and protect you. God’s Hand certainly rests upon each of you. The construction phase is coming along, but it must be in alignment with our end, our part. This is where I encourage you to be in alignment, to monitor your thoughts, to monitor your actions, so that the alignment with the Truth of God’s Love is continuous and strong and clear. That the waters are not muddied by other intentions and ideas, but that you are fully committed to the Divine Path in all its beauty and simplicity.

There is no need to add details and aspects of thought that are of a metaphysical nature. These things merely get in the way of the work that you are engaged in. We cannot stop you or hold you back from these endeavours and this research that you may do, but we encourage that your focus is upon God and upon your relationship between your soul and God’s Soul. This is the strength and the power that you need to build this bridge. This clarity, light and love, this ascension to that which is closer to the Divine will provide the manpower, so to speak, to build this structure and complete these endeavours. You are making progress, my friends. I know, at times you wonder whether anything has been accomplished. But I tell you from our perspective and from the level of expression which is of the soul and the spirit, there is much that is happening and much that will manifest in time, bringing it clearly to your consciousness, putting your mind at rest and at peace, bringing joy to your soul and bringing a greater alignment between yourself and God.

We are well on our way, my friends, and it shall be accomplished in time. That time will be appropriate and well established, so that the work that we are to do together will move forward, powerfully and beautifully in the world. We are all God’s children and we are all endeavouring to be in alignment with His Will. This is not a difficult or complex task. It is merely in the application of truth, putting the truth forward in your lives and ensuring that you are in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. This is a graduated and day-by-day journey. Each day that is dedicated to God, each day that you release those conditions that are not in harmony with God, brings you ever closer to the Source, strengthens your ability as a channel, your gifts and all that you are that may be used by God.

So, we build step by step, piece by piece, the aspects that are truly a part of you and a part of your soul and that which God has purposely put within you, so that you may accomplish the tasks ahead. That which God plans for each of us, that which is meant to unfold to bring the Earth into greater harmony with all that God has created. May you be blessed on that journey, my friends. Know that we are close, that our dedication has not wavered one bit, but strengthens as you are strengthened. The resolve and desire to bring truth to humanity is indeed perfectly aligned in our endeavours, and is coming to that place in yours.

May God bless you, my friends, and keep you in the grace of His blessings, the beauty of His Love, the joy that comes with this alignment and the opening of your souls. So much continues to unfold. So much is meant to unfold within each of you: treasure troves of gifts, truth that will come and remain a part of you for all eternity, light that builds, and a soul that opens to God. God bless you my friends. I am Alec. I am with you in this great journey of love and service and light. My love is with you. God’s Love is with you. May we continue to brighten and glow in this Love. God bless you. God bless you, my friends.