Messages 2022
Changes in the World
July 26th, 2022
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
The world is in great need, my friends, on all levels and in all ways, there is great need in your world. I am Professor Salyards and indeed, I see great changes in your world compared to when I walked the Earth, and yet the seeds were sown in my day for what you are reaping at this time. The attitudes, the inventions, the conditions that were being created in those early days have been reinforced, and they have flowered into something truly out of balance with God’s Creation and beautiful Earth. Indeed, your population is so much greater, bringing the pressures and needs forth from so many hungry mouths, and so many who hunger for material things and gratification. No wonder God is intervening in your world, for how else can this great momentum of change be stalled and reversed but through Divine intervention?
I would encourage each of you to find the ways and means that you may contribute to this effort to bring humanity back to a place of greater harmony, to a life that is more sensitive to the needs of Mother Earth, a life that is more inclined towards love, a life that is not so demanding upon our beloved Earth. As this instrument has mentioned, with the inflow of God’s Love into your soul, so the wisdom and perceptions needed to help the individual come to a place of harmony with God and God’s Creation is available to all, and you must speak of this great gift from God. Yes, you may be a living example quietly going about your day, but it is also important to plant the seeds of truth by speaking them and doing so in a way where the other may understand and listen with ears open.
In this world, I know this is a difficult challenge. There is no appetite for spirituality, for God, for all that which is wholesome and reflects love. Rather, so many are embroiled in their minds, in the conditions and thoughts that are not of God and more of man. But indeed, as times change, which they invariably will, there will be more appetite for such things and more openness. As humanity comes to realize the great crisis that is evolving on your planet, its very structures unraveling and colliding with one another in disharmony, then as the tumult happens, humanity will want to know answers, will seek out ways to correct these uncomfortable manifestations and conditions. This will be a great opportunity for each of you to speak of the Truths of God, for you will be protected and guided through these conditions. As you pray to be used as an instrument for God, you will find yourselves amongst others and groups who are seeking answers. In these opportunistic situations, God will put the words in your mouth. God will bring the Truth through you to those that are around you.
Have faith in your own gifts, beloved and beautiful souls. Have faith in God’s plan. Have faith in the flow of human destiny, which is to be in light and to be in harmony. In this way, as you ask God to bless you, as you seek ways to bring truth to others, answers and opportunities will be given so that you may truly be God’s instruments in the world, letting go of your mindful assumptions and ego-bound ideas of how you may serve God, and allow God’s Will to flow through you, will put you in the position of leadership, of a teacher, of a healer, and all those good and wonderful blessings that may flow from God through you. These things will come as you seek God’s blessings and seek alignment with all that God is and all that God Wills to be.
My beloved friends, there are solutions coming. There are opportunities to bring those solutions. May you seek and find those ways to bring the truth to humanity. In your faith and your desire to reach out to the souls of your brothers and sisters, you will find fulfillment and the realization of your desires to serve in this way.
May God bless you, my friends, I am Professor Salyards. I am happy to speak to you today. May you continue to be in a state of well-being, upliftment and joy, for these are the hallmarks of God’s Love burning within your soul. Do not let your mind fret and worry upon conditions that are indeed serious, but in their momentum and power it is for God to correct and to find ways of healing and uplifting the world. May you do your part, beloveds, and do so with joy. God bless you. My love is with you. The love of many surround you. God bless you.