Messages 2022
Choose the Path of Love
February 15th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I, Care. My dear ones. I come once again to remind you, the path of the heart is simple. When you are uncertain of which way to go, which path to choose, well, the answer is to choose the path of Love, because that is what you truly wish.
And if you should decide on a direction, and it doesn’t feel like love, then don’t beat yourself up, turn around and go the other way, or shall I say another way. For there are many ways to walk forward in the light and in the love. In the human condition which is so ruled by the intellect, things do not always appear in a clear way, but rather as a complexity.
And yet behind all the appearance of complexity, there is simplicity of Source, because love rules the universe and all things come from the Grace of God. When you are in harmony with the Laws of the Creator with the Will of God, as so beautifully described in the chapter1 you just read, there is a flow, things arise to meet your needs, even material things, to sustain you, to propel you, to move you along.
First and foremost, as you all know, opening to guidance in prayer brings you into that harmony, into that light, into the flow. Then, the path becomes clear, and whatever way you walk will be in the Love of God and never a wrong choice. Make that your delight, that you may bring joy to the downtrodden, hope, to those who feel they have none, faith, to those who are without trust, and bove all these things, as Paul wrote, Love, the great gift of Love.
I give you my love, in the Love of the Heavenly Father, in the love of a mother, and a grandmother, of a soulmate, and a sister, a soul sister. We share this in the intimacy of this group and beyond the borders of it, into realm’s unseen. Go in peace, open your hearts, love the world, God bless you. I love you. I am Care.
Note 1 “Life in World Unseen” by Anthony Borgia .. Part 2 Chapter 2.