Messages 2022

Describes Efforts to Help Us Prepare for Physical Manifestations

February 1st, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Orion. As you sit and pray together to receive the gift from God which is His love, His Essence, transforming your souls, you also bathe in an atmosphere that is filled with energies and conditions of light which are being brought to each one of you in order to assist you in your spiritual and soulful development. Each component of light and energy that we bring has a specific purpose. Some are to assist you in your physical bodies, some for your spirit bodies and some to help clear away the debris around your soul. And we are close so that we may influence your mind as we continue this work together. You are upon a program of development, change, awakening, strengthening, and there are many of us involved, not just us from the stellar realms but also your angel friends and bright spirits. We also draw from each of you and the gifts that you carry and the physical energies that you bring into this circle of light. And so, what we do together has its many layers and complexities. Indeed, it is often quite engaging that we in the spirit realms coordinate our efforts and continue on with this development program. We also meet together to discuss the next steps and what is required in order to bring you to that place of greater development of all these aspects of your being. I urge you, my friends, to continue to prepare for these meetings, to keep them in mind as you go about your daily business, to pray for the success of your efforts, the success of our efforts and all that is being contributed to this great endeavor.

There is much happening and manifesting behind the scenes and many of you are not aware of these things and yet some of you have glimpses and awareness. Because you are not so mature in your spiritual development, we must lead you by the hand and treat you as you would a child. I do not suggest that you lack a strength and light, and a measure of maturity but to be engaged in such a complex effort and process, it is best that you are somewhat naive as to the details so that we may go about our business unimpeded by your mind and will. For you still carry a duality within you, a mind filled with ideas and paradigms that have been developed through the years of your existence upon the Earthly plane and that of your soul which has a wisdom and perception that are more in alignment with what is the truth and what is, in actuality, the process which we are engaged in. Until you come to this integration of mindful consciousness and soul awareness, you will continue to lack the perceptions and understanding of the entirety of this effort. Yet we encourage you to walk in faith, to allow yourself to be carried in this beautiful flow and to be open to all that is coming to each one of you, all that is expressed and applied to the many aspects of your being.

You are used to being in prayer and to beseeching God to bless you and you have developed a keen sense and openness to God’s touch and blessings. This is a great advantage to each of you, to be open in this way with deep faith and innocence, a desire to be a part of something that is far greater than yourselves and far deeper than your perceptions may allow you to understand. Yet, as time goes by and you grow in the Father’s love and you grow in your perceptions, your soul, more will be revealed and as these revelations come, you will be astounded by the power, the complexity and the many elements that are required to be a part of this development and the opening of these gifts. You are being deeply blessed and you are extremely blessed to have such wonderful spirits by your side. The wisdom, knowledge, abilities, understanding that they carry is far beyond anything you might have upon your Earth plane. It is even beyond the technologies of many of your fellow brothers and sisters on other planets in the Universe. I hope that you have a sense and an appreciation of the efforts that are being made on your behalf and that you understand that these efforts are not just being made for you but for your brothers and sisters upon the Earth. It is part of a grand plan, a beautiful unfolding of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity.

May you each play your part, my friends, and come to see how important it is that you continue to dedicate your thoughts and your efforts, your love, your commitment to what is taking place and what is unfolding. You will find that the energies will be lifted higher and higher into these rarified atmospheres which will assist you in this development of what you call “direct voice” and what we call “material manifestation.” For it is a very material endeavor, one which requires sophisticated and subtle energies in order to bring about manifestations of spirits so that those of you upon the physical plane may perceive them, hear them and know them. It is done through many avenues but it is not required that ectoplasm is used as has been in other circles and efforts. It is a more subtle and sophisticated process using light and light energies, soul energies and some physical aspects which we draw from your bodies.

You need not be too concerned about these details. It is more important that you continue to walk in the world in light, to seek upliftment at all times and to be at arms length from the human condition so that you may continue to be cleansed and purified, awakened and close to all that is in harmony with God’s laws of love. In this way you do your part. In this way it is easy for us to assist you and work with you. So I encourage you in prayer. I encourage you in your thoughts. I encourage you in all of your actions and in your interactions. To be in harmony, in love, in truth and to be with God. All else will follow from this.

I thank you, beloved friends, for your dedications and efforts as we continue to work together for the betterment of humanity to bring light into the world and to dissipate the darkness, ignorance, suffering, fear, so much of which has ruled your planet for so long. God now deems it, the time for the recalibration of your world towards light, a frequency that is higher and more refined where love may flow freely and God may influence more readily all upon your world. God bless you, my beloved friends. God bless you deeply within your hearts and souls. May your minds release all the impediments that keep it from God. God bless you. My love is with you. I am Orion. I shall be by your side always in this great effort. God bless you.