Messages 2022

Discerning Between Soul Consciousness and Mind Consciousness

March 19th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beautiful souls, I am Orion. I thank you, dear daughter, for your prayers and for all of your prayers at this time for your world because your world is in great need of not only prayers, but actions that are of light and reflect light. In many ways, on many fronts, there are great crises and difficulties that your world is facing. The thought of a major war is on the minds of many of you, the thought of disease, the thought of the degradation of your natural world, the many concerns you have about how life may be sustained upon your world. They are legitimate concerns, serious concerns.

But for those who believe that any of these circumstances and situations are brought about by God’s Will are incorrect. God does not use war or pestilence or any condition that is out of harmony with His Laws to ensure that humanity or any world that He has created, filled with life, will be brought back to harmony in this way. This is not the truth. Nor will it ever be the truth.

I must say, I have and many of my cohorts have observed many worlds and have never seen God use destructive situations and circumstances and efforts to help correct the flow of His Will and plan for a particular world. Most often, these things come because of disharmony and certainly in the case of your world, a great disharmony within your world, a disharmony that keeps fomenting and bubbling forth and creating many difficulties and circumstances that will bring suffering to humanity and suffering to your world as a whole.

So, your prayers soliciting God’s responses are important. They bring a light where there is darkness. They bring calm where there is destruction and a lack of peace. It is important that you remain within that place of calmness, of deep faith in God and God’s Touch upon you and in your lives and upon this world. If you subscribe to all that which is of darkness with your worries and your fears, then you merely add to the situation that is creating such discord. Detachment, in a way, is the most effective counterpoint to the deep attachment and anger and fear and all those conditions that you are well aware of which help to feed the disharmony.

I do not say that you cannot feel and empathize with your brothers and sisters upon this world but when you do so with a strong faith that God will clear the way for greater light, then you do not join in with those conditions that are not of light. The purity of thought, the purity of action comes from a soul enlightened and awakened with love. This is your goal, my beautiful friends, to continue to be awakened in the great Essence of God’s Love within your soul. That this is to become the active agent of your life, your thoughts, your being for the power of this, the unfolding beauty of this, the light that is this wondrous transformation is far greater than any thought or action you may do without engaging this light and love.

You have engaged upon a course, a direction, a trajectory which utilizes this truth, hopefully to the fullest extent. This we encourage you to explore and to express. As you do so, so you draw in that influence and condition, light energies, blessings that are of God and all that which is of God. This is what is needed at this time. As you continue to face and come to realize the great disharmony and disfunction of your world, you must choose light. You must be at peace despite that all around you is not at peace nor of light.

You come together for a purpose, to bring the Truth of God’s Love to humanity in whatever way and form that is destined to be and sanctioned by God. In doing so, you are saying, I subscribe to light. I am part of the great wave of light that God has and is expressing toward planet Earth. Your desire is to resonate, to be in harmony and alignment with this light. So, you are challenged each day with the possibility of greater alignment and greater harmony with this light. The very rudimentary aspects of these efforts lie within your mind for your minds at this time are the gatekeepers to your soul.

This is not necessarily the case in times to come but at this moment, in the transitional period that you are in, then it is true that the mind has great power over you. So, I ask you to discipline your minds as much as you can to weed out those thoughts and fears that crop up often in your daily life and are not in harmony with light and love. It is the beginning of a great journey toward the soul. Though the soul is indeed awakening and infilling with the great Divine Essence and has its own journey and influence upon your being, your minds can often be a great roadblock to your awareness of the soul and that which is of the soul in response to your life.

You may liken it to creating a tunnel that is blocked in the middle so you tunnel toward the soul with your mind and your soul tunnels toward the mind, both diligently working to clear this passageway. The amount of effort made is dependent upon your effort, your desires, what you may do in a day to help strengthen and empower this process. For the soul it is prayer. For the mind, it is discipline. These two elements brought together in the ways which you are well aware are necessary to help create this great passageway of a consciousness, so the consciousness may flow freely between mind and soul, soul and mind, and inform each aspect of your being in this way.

In time, your mind and soul will merge in such a way that there is no need for this passageway. But as you continue to traverse the Earth and deal with the earthly conditions, this way of being in the world assists you in its challenges and its problems. Be aware of when your mind fools you to believe that a certain thought is of the soul. Usually, those thoughts of the soul come unbidden and are clear and uplifting. There is a sense of expansion when such thoughts enter your mind, your consciousness. But to will yourself to think with the soul mind at this stage of your development is to lead your consciousness down paths that are not altogether clear nor helpful. It is important that you are realistic regarding your daily consciousness and thoughts knowing that to some degree your soul is influencing your thoughts but not in a way that they are complete and pure and able to come through as true influence of the soul. Although, this does come at times. Such a blessing it is for you when this consciousness comes clear and your awareness accepts it and does not alter it. As with any child, it requires numerous attempts, numerous efforts to help develop and maintain such a consciousness as soul-mind awareness. But this comes, my friends. We see progress daily. We are there to assist you as are many.

I would suggest that during prayer, you monitor your thoughts and what may come to you in inspiration and wisdom. For it is in this state that you are most receptive to the information the soul may bring to your conscious self for in prayer you are empowering your soul and bringing the influence of God to you. You bring your angel friends and all those who are attending to you closer thus creating the conditions of clear communication and awareness. The difficulty often is that the mind engaged in its material affairs is still powerful and influential even in prayer. This serves to dampen the experience and highly influence the communication. Thus, discipline again is the antidote to such a condition and situation.

Release your fears, my friends. Release all those thoughts that inhibit your relationship with God and the flow and influence of God’s Will upon your life. Trust in the power of God’s blessings, His ministrations upon each of you. Trust in the ability of your soul to be awakened and to be in that knowing place that is truly of soul. Trust that God has you well in hand and that the process and journey continues in powerful and beautiful ways. Trust in what God has placed within you, the great potentials that are being awakened by His Love. Trust that you have the power, the ability to release those conditions that are not of love nor do they assist you upon this journey.

It is the faith that you carry, the faith that has grown from the experiences and light that you have achieved over years of prayer, over your efforts and desires to grow spiritually, soulfully. You are on the cusp of great awareness, a great shift of consciousness. That passageway is becoming unblocked with daily efforts and when it is unblocked, will come an onrush, a revelation of awareness, of acknowledging that truly you have accomplished this great task and challenge. So few in your world have done so. But indeed, so few have been uplifted and sustained as you are.

So, we urge you to continue with this task and this challenge. So much hinges on your efforts, on your desire, on the power of God’s Love residing within you and growing as you invite God to bless you and awaken you. So, we continue on this journey together, encouraging, uplifting, inspiring, blessing, protecting. We are with you, my friends. We are with you. May God bless you on your journeys toward your soul and conscious and beautiful and joyful awakening and embracing your true self.

God bless you, my friends. I am Orion. I continue to be with you. My love is great for each of you. At times, I feel like a proud father, that my beloved children who are making great effort, who are brave and forthright, filled with desire to be uplifted, to be in greater harmony with God. Though pride is not the right word, but still within your language, pride is an adequate description for with love comes a great expression of appreciation. To see who you are, beloved souls, is to acknowledge the magnificence of God’s creation, truly beautiful, truly magnificent. So you are, my friends, so you are. God bless you.