Messages 2022

Encouragement for our Retreat

March 23rd, 2022

Monroeville, PA, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

God Bless you. I am your teacher Augustine. We are pleased that you continue to heed the voice of God and come together in Circles of Light, creating deeper bonds of love, fellowship, community. These things that you upon the earthly plane crave and desire and are in need of in order to be strengthened in your journey of at-onement to God. Embrace your brothers and sisters unreservedly and wholeheartedly. We come together to celebrate the truth of love, the power of love. And the beginnings of great change is upon your world that will bring this truth forward and make it known amongst humanity.

So, you come together in these circles to affirm with one another, that gentle urging from God to step forward in love, to walk in light, to help bring the truth of His Love to your brothers and sisters, knowing that we are with you with every breath and that we shall uphold you in these efforts, in these circles, these travels. We will continue to be God’s servants and as such, protection, resources, love, upliftment, light, all that you require will be provided. You will know the abundance of the journey laid out before you, given in love. And little is left to chance, my beloved souls.

May God bless you, keep you in His Love. Open your souls wide so that you may be awakened to all that is of God and all that your souls desire, set forth upon a journey that is ushered by angels, God’s Hands upon you, purposeful and true to His Will.

God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine, who shall be with you and speak to your brothers and sisters as we meet in these circles. Blessings to you, my friends, blessings to all in love and truth. God bless you.