Messages 2022

Encourages New Circles of Light

October 8th, 2022

Menifee, CA, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

May the essence of God inflow into your souls, beloved friends. I am Matthew, and I come to you today to instruct and to encourage and uplift in your efforts to be within your souls and to be with God. It is important for the world that these Circles of Light continue to strengthen and multiply. For within these circles comes a great power for light and for truth, and together as you support one another in prayer you will benefit greatly from your mutual efforts.

I encourage you to do so, to take time together in prayer. Do not let this opportunity fall by the wayside, but to be focused and dedicated upon the work that may be accomplished together. For as you grow in the Father’s Love, as you continue to seek for the highest blessings, so we will be with you, and as you gather together in a group, you multiply the power and light that is there. As you pray, God’s blessings intensify, your souls open more readily. You may converse with one another about these truths and share your experience together.

Beloved souls, may you open yourselves fully to this great gift that is here this day, these moments and the release all barriers to this great blessing. Know that you are loved, each one. You are worthy, each one. For God does not restrict His Love, but it flows in great abundance to all His children. But as you well know, you must accept this gift. You must bring yourselves in supplication to God, to receive the inflowing that is intended, the gift that is given.

We are together now in this Circle of Light. May each of you open yourselves accordingly. Put aside all that which restricts the inflowing of this blessing and find the freedom, the joy, and the wonderment that comes in this gift.

I am Matthew. I am with you in prayer, and so we band together. An island of light in what is often a dark place. A sanctuary in a world that has turned its back to God. A place of healing and refreshment as His Living Waters pour upon you. Know and feel the upliftment of your angel friends close. Know and feel the yearnings of your soul as God beckons you forth in a loving embrace, in the power of His flow of Love for each of you.

We are here, beloveds, to be with God. And so we shall be in His Grace, in His Love, in His Peace, in the blessings of His healing ministrations upon each of you. So, we are here together, awakening, awakening to truth and in the grace of God, so it shall all be. God bless you, my friends, I am Matthew, and I love you.