Messages 2022

Every Crisis is an Opportunity

August 23rd, 2022

Collegeville, PA, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

My friends, I am here, your brother Judas and I know in your world, time is of the essence so I will make this short. My brother here, while you were discussing the closing of the celestial heavens and he was proclaiming why he wonders that some souls just seem to have no interest in the Divine Love path, and he has even wondered if somehow, they are defective. So I want to speak on this briefly.

First of all, no souls are defective in this way. They are in a condition based on many factors including their genealogy, their environment, their education. Many are found to be in a intellectual state, to be fully engrossed in material matters and even H__, my dear brother, was so hungry for knowledge, that I had to often remind him that it was a matter of soul, a matter of opening the heart, that ultimately results in the transformation of the soul by receiving the Divine Love of the Father. And I will say this as well, that when a soul is totally immersed in the material world and in the mind in a way that does not allow the soul and the longings of the soul to take precedence, life and the laws of God’s universe create situations that encourage the soul to step forward, encourage the heart to open, to ask for God, to ask for help. These are called moments of crisis, and as many know, in China, the symbol (or character) for crisis is also the same for opportunity.

So, in spiritual life, every crisis presents an opportunity for the soul to step forward. The failure of material life and the intellectual path of the mind to bring true happiness is a blessing that allows every soul to have the opportunity to be humble, to go to God and be changed. I shall speak more about this another time as I wish to be considerate of the needs here. As always, I send you all my love and blessings and I ask you to go in peace and stay in the love of God. I am your brother and friend. I am Judas.