Messages 2022
Every Heart Aglow
January 18th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here Care your sister in Christ. I have been waiting in the wings to speak today and of course you know that is just a theatrical expression not some appendage we angels possess or need. I knew my beloved felt a bit remiss for taking a message from me and not sharing it with the prayer group earlier today only taking it internally because he was so immersed in the love of God. So, I shall now describe to you all what I was telling him.
All of us in spirit could see the heart of each one in that circle of prayer. And though we are not privy to each item that is within one’s heart we can see its condition. And each one in the circle in prayer had a at least little glow and some a larger and more pronounced glow. And those that had more open hearts, more trust, more faith, and were able to receive more of God’s love, were opened like a rose with the fragrance coming from that heart like a beam of light.
I was conveying to my dear one that when the heart is open and the soul is filled with light one can project that love, that light, to others as they walk upon the earth. I can say with the humbleness of my soul that I was able to do this to some extent while I walked the earth. And to his credit my beloved was drawn to it beyond any other desire he had, and I was moved by that.
In this wonderful circle, small as you may think it is, yet large as it truly is, you have the intimacy of spirit, you have trust.
And I want my dear grandson1 who I love deeply and who I have watched over for many years to utilize this trust to move evermore towards a place of safety and freedom. For as he does his heart will glow and his soul will be transformed. And he needn’t give up anything except his reluctance and fear. And I wish him to know that whatever it takes to be in that place of safety will be worth his while in the receiving his soul will experience in the love of God. And should he choose it, it will be his destiny to be a great blessing to the world.
And I wish to acknowledge my dear sisters2 who are caretakers. One to everyone she meets and the other to her family and whenever she is inspired. This is a natural occurrence of a soul that is blessed in God’s love, Divine empathy towards others. And you both are drawn to those who are most vulnerable. In one sense this is their difficulty in the world yet in another sense, a spiritual sense, this vulnerability helps them to be open to the message of truth and the love you bring.
So, I thank you and I thank this one as I meant this message to be short but in my delight in being here, I felt I should speak my heart.
I love you all and thank you all for taking care of each other and for your prayers which draw so many. You will one day know the truth of all this and until then simply go with God and let your souls soar in His love, in His Grace, in His Light.
I am your sister in Christ, your grandmother, your beloved, and as we like to say, “Your eternal friend in the Love of God.” I am Care and I love you.
Note 1 & 2 Personal messages to Michael Willey and Ruth Duvall and Melissa Goyak.