Messages 2022

Faith, Responsibility, and Dedication

September 20th, 2022

Nashville, Tenn, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here, your brother and friend, Judas. I noticed my brother here was paying a lot of attention to the words I was speaking, sharing with Hans, about being tired and the amount of energy it takes to receive, and so forth. But he has stepped up and so I wish to convey a few things to you. You are all aware of the words “in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven, you must become as a little child” and you all understand that this paraphrase is about innocence and wonder and faith and as has been said, “the child trusts in his parents indisputably” and what was being asked was to have the faith of a child in the Heavenly Father. The other side of this coin, if I may use that phrase, is from Paul. He talks about when he was a child, he thought of a child, spoke as a child, so forth but the time came when he must put away those things and be a man, be an adult1. These two concepts of being a child or leaving childhood are not in conflict, for one is about faith and the other is about taking responsibility.

If you recall in my message to Hans2, I did use the word “intention” but I also used the word “dedication” and so I wish to say to you when you desire an outcome, if you dedicate yourself to be open for guidance, to assessing the matter with your soul, you will not only be able to ascertain what the next step is, but you will feel all things coming together, conspiring in harmony with your dedication to bring forth real results. This is a very good thing to know and as it happens you begin to understand that all that is required is to be in place of soul perception and put your dedication behind that engine, that the vehicle will reach its destination on time, safely, and with a wonderful result.

Lastly, I say enjoy the journey, enjoy the love of God, the warmth it brings you in the knowing that there are many protecting you, sending you healings, and standing by you in prayer. So, have faith, trust in my words, for I know of what I speak, and allow this blessing, this Holy, Sacred at-Onement to be yours, always.

I thank you and bless you and may God shower you with his love, that you may know it’s real and that your soul may feel the touch of immortality and bliss. I am your brother and eternal friend in Christ. I am Judas. May God’s love be upon you.

Note 1 1 Corinthians 13:11

Note 2 Judas of Kerioth Book page 206 under Perfection, self love, and the law of Desire.