Messages 2022
Guidance, Vision, and Actualization
March 15th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here Aunty Eileen. As you know, the community at Findhorn began with simple guidance, and a vision given to us that unfolded over time. And bit by bit, we trusted our guidance and our garden grew to the point where the gardens of Findhorn were world renowned. And my dear, spiritual sister Dorothy, took on the responsibility of maintaining those gardens established by my husband Peter, and allowing the energies of the plants and those spirits around them to produce in the natural world what was considered miraculous results of astounding growth and beauty.
On the spiritual side of things, I was guided and instructed to build the sanctuary where people could be in prayer, receive the love of God, receive guidance. And with the changes of the last year and the destruction that occurred that one might say was a wake-up call, there has now begun a movement back to the foundations of prayer and guidance and a hope to rebuild and reconnect the spiritual center of Findhorn. I shall always watch over those there and attempt to influence them. My message to you today is you are never too old to explore and never too young to explore. And so, if you have a vision of a place or something you would like to build, you should explore that vision and with guidance actualize it because as you have read and know, this is exactly what happened at Findhorn. Even though your community is in large part a virtual church, a virtual sanctuary, there are actual places such as in Canada that can be developed into physical sanctuaries, gardens, places of refuge, places of prayer, meditation, song, dance, poetry, and so forth.
It is humans who bring forth the portals of light. For God responds to the intentions of the soul to receive light, and protection and guidance and above all, Love. And as Judas says, if you make this your priority quoting the Masters’ words to ‘seek ye first the kingdom’, your vision will be actualized and others will come and assist. This may or may not be your chosen work, but I am not only speaking to this small group, but to the community, the Divine Love Community, around the world. Grow your garden create your foundation in faith and prayer and the miraculous will manifest, and the world blessed.
So, I encourage all to step forth in faith, to explore and to fulfill their hearts desires and the longings of their souls to grow and change in the Love of God. I tell you this from my experience that it may be yours, that we all grow together. It is always a delight to come and speak to you and I thank you for allowing me to share. With all my love and blessings, I am your sister in Christ, I am Eileen Caddy.