Messages 2022

Have Faith

July 19th, 2022

Marietta Valley, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

My dear ones it is I, your dear friend Judas. You have all heard the expression “fair weather friend” and you have some understanding as to what that means. In life there are fair weather friends in any kind of crisis and then there are those who listen, who give you attention, which is a form of love. Those who care about your well-being and your happiness and will go the extra mile for you.

Nevertheless, sometimes one clings to friends who are not helpful to them but in fact, are in need of help, so there is a kind of back and forth where you are able to help another in certain circumstances and other times, they are able to support you and help you in your time of need. This is probably the general way of life for most people.

For you, who have chosen the path of Divine Love and the progression of your souls, you have realized the importance of having spiritual friends. And I may say there are also fair weather spiritual friends as there is fair weather faith, which is what I was telling my dear brother yesterday when I spoke to him about a sporting event which he has shared with others where your team is losing, there seems to be no hope and you give up on them and you wonder why you have bothered perhaps even to watch this contest. Then just before you are ready to leave there is, let me say, hmm in the game of football, a “Hail Mary moment”, a term which is quite appropriate for what I wish to convey because it seems miraculous and changes the entire game and low and behold, your team comes out victorious!

So, with that in mind, I said to my brother, “O ye of little faith in this time of turbulence and great change and so much darkness before the dawn.” For you all can be discouraged reading the headlines, listening to the news, and the cacophony of negativity being broadcast in any given moment on the earth. It’s enough to make a solid soul lose their faith and so it was with my dear brother yesterday and I wished to point out to him the necessity to stay in faith, to have hope, and to be in prayer and grace where faith and hope abide. To trust in God.

So, in this time again, I urge you all to stay in prayer, to begin the day in prayer, to end the day in prayer, and to find time when you are engaged in the world during your day to take just a moment and acknowledge your Creator. Ask and you shall receive. Take heart my dear friends for all will be well. Stay in the love of God and know His Grace is yours. With all my love and blessings, I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Judas. God bless you.