Messages 2022

How Fortunate You Are to Have Fellowship

August 16th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. CA

Received by Al Fike

May the great gift of love enter into your souls, my friends. May you be receptive to that inflowing as you gather together in these moments of prayer. I am Michael Collier. I have not spoken to you for some time but I wish to come and encourage you in your work, in your prayers, in your progress towards the great Soul of God, coming ever closer as you grow in His love. My friends, is it not a great blessing to have groups of you together in circles of light, to know one another and to support one another in the world? Yet, there are many other souls in this world of yours who are also striving towards light and truth, but often doing so on their own, not having the benefits and gifts of fellowship that you have together. Although we are working diligently to help connect you all together. Of course there are many who do not subscribe to the teachings and messages of the Divine Love, yet within their soul is a deep longing and a great light that has come from that longing and desire to be close to God.

In times to come, there will be opportunities to connect with many others in this truth of love and be receptive and wish to know of that which you speak and that what you share and what you manifest in the world. My friends, there is a great deal of work to be done. There are so many in your world lost and alone and in need of comfort, truth, light and love. When you go to God and ask God to make you a channel of love, comfort, light and truth for others, allow this to be so. Consider that it is not you, my beloved friends, who is orchestrating these things for the benefit of others. It is you that says, “I comply, dear God. I am part of, I am in alignment with Your plan and Your efforts and Your intentions.” In this way you may be used as an instrument to do God’s will and God’s response to the prayers from your brothers and sisters may come through you to them. It is in humility, in simplicity, in seeking the grace of God, keeping and maintaining a great light around you. In this way, you do your part. In this way God may utilize you effectively and beautifully in the world.

It is good that you keep your mind open, your heart full and desirous of bringing love and comfort, compassion and truth to your fellow man. To walk in the world as a light is a great gift to the world and a great gift to your life. For as you walk in this way, as you continue to seek to be a light, holding your head high, my friends, a beacon of light above the turmoil and darkness of the material world shining down as God’s instrument on many, for God will lift you up to a vantage point where you will be a light that will beam down on many others. It is not that you have created this condition, merely that you have asked God to create this condition and this opportunity to be a light.

Be humble my friends, have great faith in the workings of God and in this way, God will work through you. Continue to seek out earnestly and diligently the great blessing of God’s love. Continue to release all those conditions that may detract from this. Continue to seek out truth and to be in the great flow of God’s will and His love so that all may flow beautifully and powerfully through you, uninhibited by your mind as your soul continues to grow and be released from all conditions that are not of love. So much is awaiting each of you. I know that this has been said to you over and over again, but it is the truth. It is a powerful truth that His love will continue to open great doors and the wonderment of His love will continue to awaken you and awaken the potential within you.

My beloved friends, we are together in this work and we will continue to work diligently together. May the flow of His love continue to enliven and awaken all that we might do in service to God, in service to our brothers and sisters. Seek the love, my friends. Seek it with all your heart and soul ask for it to enter your soul. For this blessing needs your asking and opening to it. It must be a conscious effort, an effort that is not assumed but an effort that requires your diligence and your focus to receive this gift within your soul. May God bless you, my friends and keep you in the light. I love you. I am with you and shall continue to work with you all, especially my friends down under, as you would call it. For they are working hard to be lights in the world and so I am with them often and shall continue to carry on in our work together. Blessings to you all. Love to you all. I am Michael Collier and I come close in prayer. God bless you, my friends, in the light, always in the light. Blessings to you all.