Messages 2022

It is a matter of the Heart

January 31th, 2022

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I come in the love of God, your sister in Christ and I come to speak from my heart. For the path of the heart is alive and well in this circle and beyond. Those who can open their hearts in prayer, in trust, allow God to open their souls to the great inflowing of His love. It is a matter of the heart. It is simple.

When I was on earth, I walked this path and though I did not possess a great intellect, as the love of God flowed into my soul, I was able to have spiritual discernment and soul perceptions that allowed me to see clearly into the hearts of others. This allowed my gifts to flourish and for the Celestial angels who were my guides, to inform my days and to bring about healings.

I am grateful that I was able to touch many souls and I wish to tell you that your gifts that your gifts will touch many, many, more, as you open your hearts and our Glorious Creator fills your souls so that your gifts will come alive. And even on this earth plane where you dwell, you will find great happiness.

It is appropriate that these blessings and these talents you possess come into the light so that you may gift others in service. For each one of you is a beautiful and unique soul.

I can tell you that of all the things of the earth that you might possess, the love of God outshines them all. Allow this love to be your magnetic center attracting all who seek it, though they may not know what it is. They may be inarticulate in matters of the soul, but their hearts will open to the blessings of God’s love that you each carry with you.

I am delighted to be here with my grandson and my beloved Jimbeau. I am so happy he called on me this day. Thank you. I shall leave you now to be in the glory of your prayer in the Grace of God. I leave you with all my love and blessings. I am your sister in Christ and a gloriously happy Divine angel. I am Care. Go with God. Go in Peace.