Messages 2022

Keeps His Commitment to All of Us and Adds a Lasting Blessing

July 24th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am your brother Jesus, and I come to pray with you today and to acknowledge these two precious souls and to affirm that on the day of their marriage, I was present to help consecrate and bless this marriage. I have been with them all of their lives, for when I make a commitment to my brothers and sisters, I am always there to fulfil that commitment. So I say this to you beloved souls, that I am with you and shall never leave. I know your lives, I know who you are, I know your souls, and I am your brother. I shall continue to be as your brother for all eternity as you walk this path towards at-one-ment with God.

Beloveds, be in unity and peace together. Though you come from far-flung places on this Earth, you are bonded one to another. You are a part of the great network of light that comes with the touch of love in your souls and the desire within you to reach out in love, to serve in love, and to be a light in the flow of God’s Love. In this way, we are all brothers and sisters. In this way, we walk together in service and love. We are God’s children. We are His instruments of love in the world.

Know the deep peace and joy that comes with the soul in alignment with God and serving God’s Will. For in this, there is a deep welling up from the soul acknowledging the great blessings and opportunities that God gives to each of you. In this there is peace. In this, no matter what condition you are confronting, what comes in the world, you have the rock, the anchor of love and light from God to uphold you, to make you safe and secure in love.

Nothing can assail you when you are in God’s protection and love. Do not venture forth beyond this protection. Choose all that which is in harmony with God and you will find yourself at peace. You will know of the strength of your soul. You will be a channel of love. May God continue to bless you all, beloveds, to uplift you and uphold you in love, to bring to you all that you require to be in the flow of His Love, to be attuned and aligned with all that is within His Laws of Love. May you know the great gratification of the soul that is joy and peace. May you be uplifted always, beloved souls. You are blessed. You are in the light. You have found the way to great light and shall live within this blessing in your lives.

God bless you beloveds, I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I love each of you dearly. Each of you are my friend, my brother and my sister in the world. How blessed I am to know you and to walk with you, beloveds. Know that I am close. Know that I shall always be close. God bless you. My love is with you all. God bless you, beloved souls.

Addendum: Beloveds, a gift to uphold you and uplift you. It is a blessing from God, and it shall stay with you and uphold you through times that may be difficult, challenging, uphold you in the light. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.