Messages 2022

Keep a song in your heart

April 25th, 2022

Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother in the Song of God, Inayat Khan.

I wish you to consider the sound of your voice, the vibration it carries, where it emanates from, and how it affects others. Everyone can relate to hearing a piece of music that lifts the heart, that touches the soul or someone’s voice that when upon hearing it immediately your heart is opened up, and a smile comes to your face. Oh, the joy of connecting to that voice again with the love flowing between the two of you.

In most spiritual traditions, song precedes prayer, but in fact, to the musicians, to the singer, it is a prayer, setting up the vibrations so that all those present may come into a state of peace, a state of trust, a state of faith. This is important because when you all sing together it doesn’t matter who is out of tune, out of key, a little sharp, a little flat, because harmony comes into being and all are lifted up, most especially when a prayer comes from your soul in the form of a song. It may have words, or it may be an orchestral piece, It could be a solo musician, or a voice calling out to God to connect, to ask, to praise, to give thanks.

You all have sent out this evening from your hearts a harmonious vibration to your brother,1 and to all those mentioned. This vibration carries with it the ability to heal but as you may know, there is a certain amount of cooperation required. For the one receiving the healing must be open and believe that they can be healed so that the light that is sent can restore health and harmony.

You all know the difference between what it feels like to be angry, fearful, in doubt, as well as knowing the feeling of being loved, appreciated, trusted. I ask you when you come into this circle always be willing to trust, to share from your heart in knowing you are safe, so that God and His angels may bring His love, Divine Love, into each soul and restore harmony and health to all those in need. Keep a song in your heart!

I wish you every harmony, every healing and upliftment, in the love of God.

I am your brother in song, your musical friend, Inayat Khan. May the peace of God be upon you and His love fill your souls.

Note 1 A D.L. brother who was very ill in hospital