Messages 2022

Let Your Heart take Wings

March 7th, 2022

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother in the love of God, a redeemed soul, and long an inhabitant of the Celestial heavens. I lived in the 13th century and was born in a town called Balkh which you might know of as in Iran. My family moved many times, and my father was considered the Sultan of Scholars, my grandfather and lineage of Islamic scholars, mullahs, and teachers. This was the destiny that my family had in store for me. And thus, I became an Islamic scholar and a judge and a teacher within the narrow confines of Islamic theology as I understood it. And while I was enjoying this high position, I met the dervish Shams (Shams of Tabriz) who was a wandering dervish and considered somewhat crazy, much like one in Europe might consider the town fool. I tell you Shams was illumined with the light of God, and he looked deep into my soul. The story goes that he took the books that I was carrying and threw them down a well. This is true enough and I could use this as an allegory or analogy for those of you who become attached to books as this one I speak through was for many years. I might even say he still loves his books.

The mind loves knowledge and yet the heart yearns for love. And love of knowledge is not the same as love of God and “The Love of God”. This is what Shams introduced me to. Many of you have heard of me and my poems and I am considered the founder of the Whirling dervishes or the Mevlevi order of Sufis, which in fact was started by my son.1 But we did whirl, and we sang, and we chanted, and we prayed to be at one with God. Our practice was to chant and pray to whirl with the body becoming as a planet to bring the longings of our souls into the Presence of God, that all of our centers could be at One. We called this ecstasy, but you may call it communion.

In my poetry, first dedicated to my teacher Shams, then also the great Attar,2 the writer of Conference of the Birds, and Hakim Sanai3 the great Sufi, there was an amalgamation of my past religious orthodoxy and my soul now wanting oneness with God beyond the books, beyond the knowledge. My poems are still widely read today, and I must say again as I have said before, I am not the same one as when I lived on earth in the 13th century. And so, when I communicate my poetry now through various channels it is always completely immersed in the Divine Love. So, whatever you are longing to learn and to experience, remember what I said and wrote: “I looked for God in the mosque, but He was not there , I looked in the temple and the church and could not find Him ….and then I looked into my heart, and opened it and, “Ah, there He was.”

Whatever tradition you may come from or even if you come from no spiritual tradition, know that real spiritual practice is from the heart. The Sufi heart with wings expresses opening your heart completely to God so the God may give you wings and lift you up into the realms of Celestial bliss. And as I wrote, “The wound is the place where the light enters”…so give God your wounds and allow the Love of God to dissolve those barriers that you have built and become At One with Our Glorious Creator. Sing songs of praise and if you are moved, dance. Be of joy in this world of woe, bring your joy, bring your bliss, in the love of God, to all. I have known this brother for a long time, and I am pleased with what he has received from me. With all my blessings and in the love of God I join you now in prayer. I am Rumi. Jalalal’din Rumi . May God bless you.

Note 1 : Sultan Walad, son of Rumi.

Note 2: Attar of Nishapur author of “The Conference of the Birds” and “The Book of Divine”

Note 3 : Hakim Sanai author of “The Walled Garden of Truth” (there is ia reference to Hakim Sanai’s poetry near the end of the 2017 film The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro.