Messages 2022
Let Your Thoughts Ascend to God
January 17th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I come in the Love of God Yogananda. As you open up the door to your heart and allow God to come in an open up the door to your soul, you can be in the Peace, in the Grace of the Celestial realm. Allow this love to penetrate those walls, allow this love to open your heart.
Thoughts do become things and while you are praying if thoughts come in that are less than love, send your thoughts to God. “Dear God lift up my soul into your soul. Let me ascend over my troubles into your embrace. May Your Angels come and be with me, to guide me, to protect me. That my will may be aligned with Your Great Will, and to be in harmony with all the laws of the Universe from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic.”
The Universe is vast my friends and though you cannot perceive its immensity with your mind, your soul can be aligned in the Grace of God. The most beautiful song is running through the cosmos and penetrating every being in this place where forgiveness reigns, where love is the law. My dear ones allow God to touch you and if even for a moment, let go. I step back to be in this glorious circle of light, each one being blessed in God’s love.
I am your brother and eternal friend. I am Yogananda. Go in Peace.