Messages 2022

Make every day a New One!

September 26th, 2022

Nashville, Tenn, U.S.A

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I come, I am Israel ben Eliezer, the Baal Shem Tov as you may know me. I come wishing all a New Year from my tradition and I thank the beautiful soul who is of the Jewish faith for making everyone aware of Rosh Hashana yesterday. She realized or at least suspected that this is why brother Moses came and Jesus, and Yogananda. And I was there sitting next to my brother here, who like the medium yesterday1 was unaware of the Jewish New Year. I told him I would come tomorrow and so I am here with you all and I thank you for allowing me to speak to you.

I am known throughout the Jewish world as the founder of the Hassidic tradition although to some extent it existed before my time. I lived in Eastern Europe and my village, and the surrounding area was very poor. But I also realized that the body seeks out material things and soul seeks spiritual things. So, I encouraged my people to live a simple life, to bring prayer into every moment, and to infuse each life with the Divine. I told them that the purpose of prayer was At One Ment with God. And we celebrated, and we sang, and we made a joyful noise unto the Lord2 and we danced, and we forgot our material poverty as we embraced the riches of the Presence of God and His great love.

These simple beginnings have affected very much in the Jewish tradition that came afterwards the reason being because they contained much truth. Because God’s love could be felt and experienced. Of course, this was also the message of Rabbi Yeshua some 1700 years before my arrival on earth and I was well aware of some of the Christian teachings. I allowed the great love of God to infuse my work, though I must say that what I taught came primarily from my personal relationship, my personal experiences in prayer, in the love of God. What began as a very simple teaching took hold and then as things do over the many, many years since, these simple things (practices) became regimented and rather than awakening one, these routines, these rituals they have a kind of stasis, they bring kind of a comfort, but it is one in sleep and routine and ritual.

So, I wish to tell you that whenever you inject something new into your practice it creates movement, a movement in your case towards Divine Love and stasis becomes ecstasy3 in a flow a grace and energy. This is the energy of God’s love pervading your souls as you open to it in humble prayer and the deep aspirations of your soul.

So, let this joy be yours and sing praises to the Lord, The One God, and His great love for us. Make a joyful sound on this earth.

I thank you for allowing me this time and I shall step back to be in the love of God with you and in His Grace. And in my tradition, I wish each one of you a happy new year. Make every day a new one being reborn in the love of God. With all my love and blessings, I thank you. I am Baal Shem Tove. God bless you!

Note 1 Medium Al Fike received a message from Moses the preceding day

Note 2 Psalms 98, 100

Note 3 from Greek ekstasis meaning ‘standing outside oneself’