Messages 2022
Brings a Deep and Powerful Message
July 15th, 2022
Gibsons, B.C. CA
Received by Al Fike
I am Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus and one who resides in the Celestial Kingdom, and have done so for many hundreds of years. I come today to encourage you on your path, the beginning of the awakening that comes to the soul seeking God and seeking the gift of His Love. I come to encourage you to be strong, to walk this road without distraction, to walk this road in commitment and dedication to God. Not out of obligation, my friends, for that is the wrong road. Not out of guilt, not out of false desire or paying homage to your mindful deceits and ideas, but out of the desire of your soul to be with God. For if that desire is strong, if you wish to truly be with your Creator and commune in love, light, joy and peace, then all of these things that you pray for, and all those problems that you may have, those things of the earthly plane that are difficult and problematic, will be healed by love, healed by the Touch of God.
God cannot “will” that all conditions and situations which you encounter in the world will be dispersed and that you may live a life free of these things. Free of the challenges, tests, trials and tribulations, but God can strengthen you in His Love and blessings, wiping away your responses and reactions that bring you pain, bringing to you peace, so that when the world around you is in turmoil, you are calm and centered in God. In this He will protect you, in this He will uphold you. You will be in alignment with God and all that is good and in harmony with His laws. You will come with love, a great love for your brothers and sisters, a great love for yourself, a great love for this world and all that God has created.
So it is the transformation within, that will bring the solutions to your dilemmas, my friends. As you are transformed, so you will be an example, a light for those around you, an island of peace in the storm, a font of wisdom around those who are confused and distraught, a channel of love for God. These are the solutions to the earthly problems. Applying the laws of love, the power of love, to all that you encounter and all that you are will bring balance, peace and harmony to your life. You will no longer fear the future or the present. You will embrace life as never before, joy welling up from your heart and soul, infusing your mind with a sense that all is well and truly, from the perspective of the soul and the perspective of what life truly is, then all is well.
You have been given the great gift of life. You have been given the key to a well-lived life, a life filled with blessings. In many respects, you know the great riches of the world and you are wealthy in truth, as God provides for you what you require to live this life well. He may not lay before you great riches, material things that would give you a sense of bounty. No, these things are not what God will give. God will give you the wealth of your soul awakened and all that that entails. God will give you the wisdom, the strength, the light, the capacity to love. Those gifts of the soul, so that you may walk in the world resplendent in the great jewels of the spirit, the great wonders that are truly of life.
Beloved souls, seek this gift above all things and all things shall come to you, all things that are in harmony with God, with what is meant to be in the material life and the spiritual life. You will be blessed deeply. You will not look at the world with the same eyes, the same thoughts, the same desires. You will look at the world as a treasure house of blessings, filled with great opportunities and possibilities to exercise the bounty of the soul, the gifts of the soul, those channels of light, love, healing, peace, and truth, that God has placed within you so that He may utilise you as His instruments upon the world.
What more could you wish for, beloved souls, than a soul awakened to His Love, a soul in harmony with all that is His Love, a soul filled with joy, blessed with peace, expressing all that is within for the benefit of your brothers and sisters? Be that light in the world, my friends. There is no higher purpose to life. There is no greater reward than this, to be with God in such a way that you know the joys of His Presence as a constant force within your life. And that in this, all that is you and is meant to be expressed through you will come to pass as you grow in His Love, the beauty of His Touch, the wonderment of your souls communing in love.
God bless you, my friends. I am Peter and I pray for each of you, for this world, for it is time for this world to release the yoke of the human condition and walk in the freedom and joy of truth. May this be so, and may you continue to pray for this, as I pray and many pray, for the liberation of your world from darkness into light. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you. My love is with you all.