Messages 2022

Moving Through Negative Conditions into Greater Light

October 16th, 2022

Dallas, Oregon, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

I am Faith. I come to pray with you today as you seek succor of the soul, that beautiful touch of God. Beloved souls, I know at times you are challenged, that others disbelieve you and project that you are insincere. But indeed as you step out into the world, so these challenges will become more frequent and more intense. The world is resistant to change, the world disbelieves that which is not concrete and before their five senses. So when you come with your subtle sensibilities, perceptions of the soul, so you become a target for those who wish to discredit and wish to lay claim for that place or territory that they feel is theirs. They become insecure and they criticize as a result.

This will happen over and over again in your earthly plane until such time as the conditions change and those who have and gather this ammunition of criticism and disbelief will be given the opportunity to see beyond that veil, that error to a place of understanding. Those who are your worst critics may become your best of friends, for when an individual such as this comes to see the truth, they are stalwart in their beliefs and will come to support and join you in your journey of truth.

Be of good cheer, beloveds, that you have found fellowship, that you are truly bonded with one another, that you know the truth of God’s Love and that you recognize the existence of that truth as a living thing within your brothers and sisters, how this forms such a powerful force of light between. Do not let negativity stand in the way of this, but have faith in what you have and who you are so that you may step forward in strength, that those who would cast negative aspersions towards you, you will not feel the sting, you will not recognize and acknowledge the error in such a way that you feel the pain of it. Rather you will see clearly and with compassion and you will walk on beyond these conditions into greater light. As you pass you may say a prayer for that individual, ask God to put the desire for His Love within their souls so that they may experience what you experience, they may see what you see, they may come to understand that they are made up of more than flesh and bone and senses and thoughts, that indeed they possess a soul that has the potential to be eternal. This is the message that must be given. This is the message of truth and with that message the way to eternal life is through receiving the great gift of God’s Love. No other way can this be accomplished, no other way can your soul be transformed and made into that which is of the Divine rather than that which is of human origins.

Because of your life and commitments you are different and others sense this difference. Some are drawn to you and others are repelled. Yet indeed, as you walk in the world you bring the message of truth with you wherever you go and that beautiful message is displayed by the light within your soul, what emanates from you, and often by the responses that you give to others. Be that light, truly be that light and do not let any and all conditions that are not of light affect you or draw you away from your true purpose and true journey which is in time is finding at-onement with God through receiving His blessing of Love.

I know you wonder why, my beloved and beautiful children, why more are not drawn, why sometimes you feel alone and misunderstood. And yet God continues to build the foundations through you so that others may come to see and know what this is, the power and beauty of this truth, but indeed it takes time. Indeed God’s plan for the salvation of humanity is an arduous journey, each taking their place within this intricate plan, each doing so with faith and commitment and consistency, each finding their own way in their own time.

God’s plan is implemented in the world and will continue to unfold. It is inevitable that the goal will be reached although the power of free will among humanity often determines the speed at which that goal may be achieved. Thus you must be patient and have great forbearance and commitment and love. This is your test with each day; this is your challenge. With each day come many blessings and indeed much is achieved even though you are not aware. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to work through you as each day passes for it is difficult for us to truly reach the conditions of earth without God’s instruments, His channels desiring to be utilized in this way. You will see this as time goes by, your perceptions and understandings of these dynamics will continue to grow and flow so that indeed you will find patience and forbearance on the journey.

May you continue to uphold the truth, continue to walk this path, continue to be open to the guidance and Will of God. In this way many more experiences await you, many more opportunities to serve come to you. Much will carry you forward in the flow of God’s Will and Love. Truly be His channels of light and love. Truly be in the light and all will come in accordance to His plan in the flow and outcomes of the efforts of God, His angels, His great spirits working towards the reclamation of your world, the salvation of many souls upon it.

May God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Faith and I come to uphold you, reassure you as you continue to journey day by day hoping to be God’s channels of love, instruments of light and truth. So it is and so it shall be in the glory of God, the wonderment of God’s universe and the beauty of your own soul. God bless you, I love you, I walk with you as do many. God bless you, beloved souls.